Internet shutdowns or disruptions in connection with armed conflicts and mass demonstrations have led to people not being able to communicate or report abuses, which has caused further insecurity, violence and violations of human rights. Off.guard allows private individuals, journalists and human rights defenders to share information when and where deliberate disruptions of the occur.

  • @Crumble
    51 year ago

    Basically just a tool that runs in the background and keeps your feed up to date. When you have no connection at all, you will no longer receive updates, but still have acces to content up until that point.

    From their website:

    Off.guard is built using a module called service worker. By accepting push notifications in “settings”, Off.guard will be able to remain active in the background of your browser and continue to update. Even when a poor connection is detected your feed with information updates using web-push notifications, without the need of your attention. In case the internet would be shut down, off.guard always saves the created feed using cookies.