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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Yep, no point in racing towards life “milestones” that are no longer affordable or attainable for most people. Besides, the idea that these “milestones” are required for happiness is just an arbitrary societal pressure, and I think we all probably know someone who’s raced to check off all the boxes of these “milestones” but is unhappy, maybe because they rushed to marry someone they can’t even really comfortably talk to about serious things in a healthy constructive way, or maybe because they rushed to have kids without seriously thinking about what that commitment meant, or maybe because being a homeowner sucks up every ounce of savings they have so they have no flexibility to save, to travel, to do anything else

  • I agree with the folks talking about instrumental music, since music with vocals can be more distracting. Classical music and jazz can both be great - pick a composer and chances are there are huge playlists of all their symphonies or piano sonatas or whatever on Youtube. Or a Youtube search for “(jazz artist name here) full album” can get you a full album to listen to. I also like Soundcloud for listening to more “homemade” music by new artists. I ditched Spotify over the Rogan stuff so youtube and soundcloud are my main sources for streaming music these days

  • I loved Midnight Suns, but the replayability does suffer because of all the dialogue scenes without easy ways to skip past them. I’m playing a second game now on higher difficulty and still enjoying the combat but it’s a bit annoying to have to skip past all those conversations. If they patch in a New Game+ option that makes it easier to skip some of that stuff, it’ll really improve the replayability aspect IMO. Still I’ll probably do one more campaign with the DLC characters added, I hear some of them are a lot of fun.

  • After a few years of mostly playing strategy & tactical games, I fired up Minecraft this weekend. I’d never really given it a proper try before, but it’s been refreshing and relaxing. I started on survivor mode but found the enemies kind of annoying, so I switched to peaceful survivor mode and that’s been fun so far. Just enjoying the “wander around and build stuff” atmosphere. Honestly makes me want to play more sandbox-y games after a while of mostly playing more intense stuff.