I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Oh, there’s definitely blame to go around, but not holding Trump to at least some standard would be compounding the mistakes of the past.

    No one can argue someone else out of being a Trump supporter, but I still believe there’s a chance to justifiably mock him enough to maybe change some minds. If more coverage focused on how laughably batshit insane he was instead of “ooh, look, he’s not following convention and he’s breaking the rules” it would help a lot. His lot can’t abide weaknesses and he’s definitely weak.

  • Well, to be fair you did manage to get twelve whole subscribers, so that’s probably already exceeding what SWP will receive in votes in your state. Who knows, with their one whole candidate event next month, you may actually be their most effective outreach. Proud of you bud!

    Oops! I made the mistake of reading more again and just realized how …sparse mention of Fruit is there. You actually seem to be a much more effective outreach for “vague socialism vibes”. The important thing is that you’re doing the best that you can, friend!

  • I mean, other than the fact that you’re obviously so privileged — as you’ve said so often — to not be afraid of Trump winning. And then so oblivious, callous, and dismissive of other people who are justifiably worried that you spend an inordinate amount of time trying to persuade folks that voting third party in the presidential race is a justifiable idea.

    And unfortunately third party wankers do have both a chance at helping Trump win AND having no chance to win themselves. Or did you already forget the fine print in the Quinnipac poll you yourself posted this morning? So there is a great moral peril and a frivolous display, and actual adults should have no trouble telling one from the other.

  • Ha! You are a precious snowflake my friend! I offered no condemnation or even opinion on any of those things. Strange that’s where your mind went to though.

    I just suggested that you evidenced the kind of privilege really only ever seen amongst a certain demographic. Are you saying people in that demographic aren’t privileged? Are you denying the systemic oppression to women and people of color? The enforced economic disadvantage on the poor and working class?!

    It’s almost laughable that you call yourself a socialist.