Vietnamese grad student, free software enthusiast and hydro homie

  • 32 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2023


  • Ah yes, I bet thou canst also skip the booting part when thou runst software on thy compooter. And Jehovah (or an idol of thy choice) forbids any configuration or upgrade requiring a reboot.

    Any domain registrar/hosting provider that does not require propietary software to run?

    If thou dissectst this even more clearly thou wouldof noticed OP asked about running a domain registrar or hosting provider, not using their service. Also the word was propietary.

    Now, if thou excuse OP’s imperfect English thou can find a clearer description below:

    one that can be used without running nonfree programs

    Like virginity, it’s either with or without innit, or doth thou prefer thy olive oil lightly fucked?

  • static sites [are] not suitable for any business or professional use

    I wouldn’t agree with this statement, there are plenty of businesses and professionals who are only on the interwebs to share their contact, biography or product knowledge base.

    That being said, there are VPS providers running on libre software like which I use and can recommend. There should be more out there but I don’t keep track them, sorry.

    There’s much thinner chance there exists a registrar caring about thee or thy software freedom though. People at, LLC talks about setting up one but so far it’s just talks.

    OpenNIC registrar (only be.libre seems to be functional) work without JS and thou can prolly ask them to license the site freely but non-ICANN domains are not practical for business or professional use due to the low adoption.

  • Accidents, disasters and fights are not safe to be around for obvious reasons, but from experience as a native the locals tend to be rather curious and any unusual gathering is a good sign that one of those is happening.

    Trying to help the injured without expertise can make it worse. If the police is already there, they know what to do, otherwise call for them (113), firefighters (114) or an ambulance (115). Try not to obstruct the road (as we witnesses tend to do ;-).

    You might get into political trouble by documenting the event against the canonical narrative, though yuan in bribes is very unlikely to get you anything but confused faces. Official fine for misinformation or causing panic is unlikely outrageous in your currency, given you don’t sound like there’s any financial burden to casually travel to Việt Nam.

    Good press is the number one concern, so I can’t think of a scenario where it’s worth it to pin a foreigner down for a crime. A corrupted officer would try to get bribes from misdemeanors, e.g. traffic violations, instead.

    Once again, it’s not an invitation to try to jump in to help. Crowds behave poorly in emergency, or in case of traffic accidents, drivers won’t look out for you and can collaborate with you to make a new one. It’s best to watch from afar and call for help.