• 90 Posts
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月11日


  • A) I said he’s “been shitty in many ways”.

    B) I didn’t use the term “nice”. So don’t misquote me please.

    C) I said “he’s been more on the tolerant side of things”. Which is true compared to the likes of Benedict and other popes. It’s a sliding scale, and that doesn’t mean he’s been super tolerant and inclusive overall. But he has been slightly more tolerant than his predecessors. Casting all popes as being equally evil is myopic and not realistic.

    D) You’ve missed my main point (either on purpose or accidentally), that the next pope will be worse than Francis. If an opus dei supporting cardinal gets the job the level of hatred and intolerance coming from Rome will be on a new level. And people - especially those who are impacted by the Catholic Church in any way - should prepared for that.