Robin.Net (she/her)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • I was very disappointed by Biden’s speech shaming people for being mildly disruptive, like that’s the point of protesting, but I will still vote for him.

    He’s not much better than Trump on handling Israel and Palestine being that there is still a genocide occuring, but he is still better than just being “not Trump”. He has been working towards a permanent ceasefire and has been air dropping aid into Gaza vs Trump who said he would help Israel “finish the job”. With Biden we also got a ban on non-compete clauses, a strong economy and job market, 144 billion dollars forgiven in student loan debt, restored net neutrality, pardons for nonviolent marijuana offenders, reschedule of marijuana, restored LGBTQ rights in education, and so much more.

    We should also remind ourselves of what the Trump administration gave us. Raised taxes for lower and middle class people, lowered taxes for the rich, protestors snatched off the streets in unmarked vans, pardons for rich Trump yes men, lowered taxes for the rich again, death of net neutrality, stripped education rights for LGBTQ individuals, stripped abortion rights, a dumb border wall that is already falling apart and easy to climb, and so many more things that hurt lower and middle class people. We were heading into a recession under Trump too. If he gets another term, we will have all of those previous things at a worse level than before plus a dictator, executions of anyone who disagrees with or challenges Trump, death to net neutrality, restoration of non-compete clauses, nation wide ban on abortions/IVF and contraception, death of child labor laws, stripping children from single parents and LGBTQ parents, genocide of Mexico, genocide of LGBTQ people, and so many more awful things that you can find laid out in Project 2025.

  • Persona 3 Portable and Persona 5 Royal. I had an xbox game pass. I got half way through persona 3 and loved playing as kotone shiomi. I have played as a girl in video games for years whenever it was an option. It hadn’t occurred to me why I chose female characters until I switched to persona 5 Royal because my subscription was ending soon, and I was disappointed by the lack of a female protagonist option. I realized the reason I was disappointed was because I enjoyed the gendered experience. I got to be one of the girls. I’ve never played a game with an acknowledgement of my femininity before, and it was really nice.

  • There’s going to be a free online arcade whether game companies allow an online library or not. Companies can spend billions of dollars taking down emulators and unauthorized game distributors and ways to make playing games in unauthorized ways harder, but it will always be a game of whack a mole. Game companies should focus their time and resources on making legacy titles accessible, whether that means creating a deal with online libraries or selling the files directly to the consumer for a reduced cost. At the end of the day, game companies spend more money trying to prevent people from playing legacy titles than they make on the legacy titles, so there is no benefit to the consumer or the company.

    I think there’s a fear by companies that a rerelease or remaster won’t make money if the original is available for free, but the reality is that people will happily buy a remaster or remake if it’s good despite already having the original game.

  • I 100% agree that they should have gone further with the many things they accomplished during their super majority. A universal healthcare system would have been better, they could have gone further with digging the average American out of the recession, etc.

    However, it is disingenuous to pretend they did/do “nothing meaningful”. ACA expanded healthcare to millions of people who couldn’t get insurance at all, expanded Medicaid and Medicare, and it lowered healthcare costs. That’s pretty meaningful and a major success even if it wasn’t universal healthcare.

    I think it’s also disingenuous to compare democrats who make small progress forward to Republicans who are actively trying to roll all of our laws back to the 1800s. Again democrats aren’t ideal, and really we need a more progressive major party in the US because they don’t go far enough, but it’s better to make any progress forward than it is to fully regress.

    Democrats not being progressive enough is an issue we can fix in time, but it will take decades of hard work (and continuous work even after we succeed). We need to start helping more progressive candidates with their campaigns and even personally running campaigns during local, state, and national primaries. It would also help for us to push for major election reform while we work towards getting progressives elected. It is unacceptable we only really have only two major parties and really only one choice during general elections.

  • The last time they had a meaningful majority they spent their time (72 working days) on ACA (a major healthcare reform), pulling us out of a recession, appointing two supreme court justices, and so much more. They are known as the most productive Congress since Lyndon B Johnson was president. The last official majority they had they spent their very thin majority cleaning up after Donald Trump and dealing with COVID.

    Democrats don’t get strong majorities for long periods of time like Republicans do, and they are expected to fix every issue plus clean up after the newest national disaster that Republicans created. Maybe if we gave them time and a strong enough majority they would get more done.

  • I’ve watched a few episodes from each season and kept up on the news, but I havent religiously watched it by any means so I might be wrong on a few details.

    Every season has followed Ash, but they will be moving on to a new protagonist soon.

    It is very loosely connected to the games like it always has been. The two can be enjoyed independently of each other.

    Not entirely sure on the story, but Ash did finally become a Pokemon world champion in the most recent season, which is why they are changing the protagonist.

    He hasn’t caught any legendaries, but he has a mythical Pokemon melmetal.

    Based on what I’ve seen, you can start almost anywhere. Each season softly resets Ash’s progress. You may see occasional cameos of past characters, but each season Ash usually makes a new set of friends, has a new set of Pokemon, and starts a new story.

  • While I know anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean much, I personally felt a lot of empathy towards the animals when I took my son last year. I think it is hard to read every plaque in front of the exhibits and not be sad. Almost every plaque says something about how the animals exhibited are struggling in the wild due to everything humans do to the planet, and each one gives suggestions on how we can improve the world. I may be a rare case though because I can understand and acknowledge the environmental impact we have as humans, and I actually read the plaques. I think you may be right about the majority of people who go to the zoo, but I do feel like it is effective if people engage with the lessons that zoos try to teach.