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Joined ett år sedan
Cake day: 27 juni 2023


  • For what it’s worth, there’s a big difference between a 2 year front end engineer and someone who has been doing it awhile. I’ve worked with both and the product from higher end folks is usually much better. Whether companies know that or not, I’m not so sure. On the downside, the front end stack seems to change every 2 years so it can be difficult to keep up. I’m more of a backend person that writes front end when it meets a need.

    Wish I had some advice for him. Best I could say is to jump into some open source work (or pet projects) and make sure he understands whatever framework companies are looking for. It’ll help keep his mental health up, build his skills, and look good on a resume. Pretty sure React is still the main framework. Whenever I’ve interviewed folks I always looked kindly on anyone who could talk passionately about any project that they’ve worked on. He should have someone go over his resume as well to ensure it has the right keywords or at least no red flags (And maybe tailor it a bit to ensure it references what that specific job is looking for) HR is notorious for filtering out resumes for otherwise qualified candidates. Finally, he shouldn’t filter himself out from any jobs. Even if he looks unqualified he should make his resume look as qualified as he can and take a shot. Maybe also reach out to some headhunters. They take a cut of your pay, but it can be helpful to get in the door.

    I assume he’s probably doing all of that, but figured I’d type it out just in case.

  • Yeah I remember getting calls for my student loans asking me to consolidate my federally backed loans and claiming I was going to save a bunch of money. In reality they were lowering my monthly payment but at a higher rate and with a longer term, which would have caused me to spend a significant amount more in the long term . Bunch of scams that should have never been legal. Looking at the source, it looks like consolidated loans for folks who owe more than when they started are covered as part of the forgiveness. Hopefully that goes through someday.

    The federally backed ones I remember having good to reasonable interest rates (looking at historicals they were pretty low most years) and being much lower than I could get anywhere else.

    I’d love to see higher education being affordable for everyone. (If not free)

  • Isn’t that how all loans work though? It’s just that the lenders insist I pay enough to cover the interest and some principal, otherwise I’ll never pay it off. If I made a payment for a car loan and it wasn’t enough to cover the interest, my principal would never go down (in fact it’d go up if I didn’t cover the interest). I can actually get an interest only home loan (or at least you used to be able to) but I think those are insane. The difference with car and house loans is if you miss enough payments they’ll come take whatever collateral you have. School loans are a bit different in that there’s no collateral for them to collect

    I’m not arguing that the situation isn’t fucked. It is. School is way too expensive for the value you get. People who haven’t been paying these loans for the last decade also probably owe way more than they originally took out and you can’t default on them… but the fact that they’re earning interest isn’t any different than any other loan.

  • Bee facts!

    Queens only mate once in their lives, shortly after they’re born. (And typically do not mate inside the hive) After emerging and murdering any competition, the queen bee will begin her mating flights. During these flights she will attempt to mate with somewhere around 20 different drones to collect their genetic material. Allegedly, drones from her own hive will fly at a different altitude than her to help prevent her from inbreeding with her own hive. She will use the genetic material from those mating flights the rest of her life (which is usually a few years). I’ve been told that, if she does inbreed with a drone, that the worker bees may be able to detect the bad genetics and they will evict any larva that she lays using that genetic material.

    Bonus fact: when mating the drones leave their “appendage” in the queen and die shortly after. The next drone will remove the appendage and repeat the process. I haven’t experienced it but, during these bee orgies, you can hear the popping sounds of this happening.

  • This was a surprising tidbit. I’d love to hear some hypotheses of why this might be the case. It seems surprising that a motorcycle would result in more deaths than a car. I wonder if this holds true year over year. I tried to find more info but couldn’t really find anything and I wasn’t going to pay 50 dollars for the article.

    Seems like a relatively low number of deaths caused by motorcycles though, so it seems like death by cars/light trucks should be our main focus. (Just as long as it doesn’t result in more people driving busses or, apparently, motorcycles)

    I do hate how loud some motorcycles are.