• 4 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日


  • This is a funny take I haven’t heard. Maybe it’s a bit true.

    People I talk to seem to have little understanding of Trump policies. Like it’s mostly projection.

    One person I spoke to with a Trump pin said these two statements: “I don’t like where the country is heading everything is expensive. The government spends too much money”… “yeah we got to support Ukraine, Russia would not have invaded if Trump was president. Russia needs to loose and go home so we can end the war”

    … like okay? And Trump will help any of this how, as a lap dog to Putin who blew up the budget and raised taxes on those making less than $500k?

    These people vote for people who tell them what they want to hear and project the rest… you know morons.

  • There is a fun Netflix documentary where a guy creates his own cult: Kumare.

    In the end he feels bad for taking advantage of peoples’ trust particularly when vulnerable and has a semi-sincere apology for including them in his project.

    So the first requirement is you need to be a bit of a sociopath or a true believer (aka a bit crazy)