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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Amen!

    Did you ever see the cliff of him trying to tell the people Flint Michigan that their water wasn’t poisoned with lead and pretending the drink of glass of tap water in front of them. It wasn’t until I saw that that I realized that dude was just a puppet.

  • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    I mean you could, but even if you’re successful, you end up in the same situation we are in now where we’re deciding between the lesser of two evils every election.

    If you follow my plan instead, over time, third parties will gain more support allowing us to pick something other than the lesser of two evils.

    Do you get what I’m saying?

  • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    I remember when he kept his campaign promise to close Guantanamo Bay and totally gave us universal health care and not some right-wing idea from the heritage foundation. He rebranded as Obamacare.

    Good to know there are people who pay attention to politics here. Thanks Comrade 👈😎🛠️

  • See I don’t think of this as “purity testing” because it’s genocide… You know? Like is there anything worse? Is there a worse thing that Biden could be supporting?

    When I think of purity testing , I think more of a situation like we’re finally going to pass socialized healthcare, but dental’s not included so let’s just hold up the whole thing. That feels like a purity test cuz it’s splitting hairs even if it’s in a very important hair. When it’s enabling genocide or not, there’s no hair to be split there. It’s just the worst thing you could do.

    The Dems not being able to not enable genocide or even really call it out is majorly hurting what their voter outcome is going to be. Regardless of anything I say or do that is just the case.

    I’m not going to blame the voters for that. But as we know, most people didn’t want to vote for Biden in the first place anyway. They were really voting against Trump so hopefully they’ll do it again this November. But the more I see Dems talk about how we just have to suck it up and vote for Joe. Anyway. The more I think that turns voters off.

    Which is where I think our ultimate disagreement lies. I believe that defending Joe and telling people they have to vote for him anyway, in the face of the said genocide Will lead to lower voter turnout and possibly hopefully not but maybe a republican win.

    I think a bigger strategy that gives people hope even if it’s in the long-term will encourage voter turnout and higher voter turnout is better for Democrats.

    Regardless, thank you for talking to me like a person and being cool. 🙂

  • I already am a part of a local organization for ranked choice voting. That’s great advice. People should definitely do this. It would make everything so much better! 👈😎

    From your last sentence, I’m assuming where you vote is in contention and since that’s the case, I think you’re right. I do want to say if you’re like me living in a non-swing state that is always going to go for the same party. Then have a little fun with a third party vote.

  • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    I’m not doing nothing. I’m in a non-swing state that’ll go Blue no matter what I do. So I’m trying to organize people to vote third party so we can actually get a party that represents the people in. What are you doing??

    It wouldn’t be on me because I know how the electoral college works and I know that my vote will go to the Dems regardless because I’m in Maryland, it’ll be blue as f*** regardless of what I voted for. If you want to spend money, I will bet you any amount of money you would like. That Maryland will be blue and all of its votes will go to Biden. Honestly that second paragraph’s Is just protection man. If you are actually doing something or just confused than Good luck to you.

  • Going to go back to voice to text and cursing like a sailor cuz that’s what I’m used to. But I appreciate the sentiment and the agreeable conversation. 🤝

    To be clear. I’ve never said not voting is a good choice. I never want to hear non voters complain because their voice doesn’t matter cuz they don’t use their vote f*** them.

    What I am saying is calling out Biden for enabling genocide is valid and shouldn’t be instantly shot down and voting for third party is cool in non-swing States.

    Yeah I’m not saying anybody should roll over and roll that Trump win. I literally rather shoot myself. A vote for Trump is probably the worst thing you could do. I vote for the greens or the socialists or Cornell West on the other hand. It does some good. Not enough. Good to get us to where we need to be in this election but we can start the momentum now.

  • LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldSSDE
    4 months ago

    When Martin Luther King Jr said the white moderate was the biggest stumbling block of progressive politics he meant shit like this That favors order over Justice.

    When it said that you cut a liberal in a fascist bleeds they mean you.

    I’m an American that lives in a very blue state. I will be voting third party this election because my state and my vote will end up going to the blue team anyway. What I know is that if a third party gets 5% of the vote they get funding in the next round. I don’t know about all you guys, but I am tired of constantly picking the lesser evil and having every election I participate in be the most important election of our lifetime (so far

    But sure Just say I’m a Russian bot. I’m sure that won’t distance people even further away from your politics.

  • I hear you. I’m going to try to be clearer

    What I’m trying to point out to you is that you and many other people I see here as soon as anyone points out that the Democrats are backing a genocide and something needs to be done about it. Act like those people, including myself are supporting Trump or other Republicans.

    All I’m trying to say to you is there are other strategies available and other reasons someone would not want to vote for Biden. Even in a way you might deem safe.

    As soon as a criticism of Biden is made and there is a suggestion that something can be done about it, It is shot down by saying Trump would do it worse. This sentiment is used to stop people who want to stop the genocide. That’s why I’m calling it defending genocide.

    We all know Trump would do it worse. Do not vote for Trump. Or any Republican they all suck. The thing I’m trying to get through is most of the Democrats suck too. If we continue to vote for Biden, another Dems, we’re going to get the same shit.

    By instantly countering with someone who wants to do better by saying well, you’re actually going to do worse. You were defending the status quo and part of the status quo is genocide.

    Do you get what I’m saying?

  • Another comment cuz I want to elaborate the problem is the Dems are controlled opposition. They pretend to be leftist and say they want to do the right thing but they never do. They’re always a couple votes short or just somebody turned on them or something always goes wrong. Obamacare was even a right-wing idea that came out of the heritage foundation. That’s why it sucks.

    So solution we need an actual left-wing party. How do we do that without majorly screwing ourselves?

    The only way I can think of outside of a violent revolution is slowly gaining control of a third party election after election to the point where it’s a viable contender and can win.

    The only alternatives are violent revolution and continuing to pick the lesser of two evils and continuing to have the most important election of our lifetime so far every election. We need to do better. We need to organize.

    Being complacent with where we are, especially with enabling genocide will only put us on the chopping block eventually.

  • You think the f***** who’s supplying weapons to the genociders is slowing down the genocide?

    I know I said I wasn’t going to respond. That’s the dumbest f****** thing I’ve ever heard.

    Let me put it to you. This way if someone’s ever torturing you the death, I will slow them down by supplying them the equipment to make you feel the most pain possible.

    It’s a tragedy that it’s not you and your family starving to death and instead it’s innocent people.

    All right, you really want the question answered. Here’s my answer. Genocide’s not involved so I’ll just eat the f****** pizza. You f****** privileged piece of s***

  • The pig is dead both ways. Are you telling me to accept that all of Palestine has already been killed that there is not killing currently going on??

    See this is why the metaphor is f****** stupid And doesn’t f****** work?.

    There’s still innocent leople being slaughtered everyday and you’re over here supporting it.

    I hope that you take one of their places. I hope that you and your family are killed instead of them because they have a chance of being empathetic where I can tell you’re not. I won’t be wasting my time replying to you again

  • Do you think maybe this is something beyond just trying to get people to vote for Trump? Maybe people just really hate genocide and don’t like the idea of voting or supporting someone who is okay with it?

    Think maybe there are third party options?

    Do you think maybe the electoral college and the stupid voting situation in this country has made it so many people have an opportunity to vote third party while their state still goes to Biden??

    Listen all I’m trying to say is people have a ton of different reasons to call out Joe for his support of genocide. You immediately defending it makes you and the things you stand for look bad because you’re defending genocide. Just saying