• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • HIPAA covers what information health care professionals can provide. It does not cover what your boss or anyone else can ask you. Some states have their own laws. In California, for example, you would be correct, but that is a state law, not HIPAA.

    Requests from your employer

    Your employer can ask you for a doctor’s note or other health information if they need the information for sick leave, workers’ compensation, wellness programs, or health insurance.

    However, if your employer asks your health care provider directly for information about you, your provider cannot give your employer the information without your authorization unless other laws require them to do so.

    Generally, the Privacy Rule applies to the disclosures made by your health care provider, not the questions your employer may ask.

    What your employer can do if you refuse to answer or lie to them, I have no idea.

  • Yep.

    After dropping off the plastic bags with trackers in bins specifically labeled for plastic bag recycling at Walmart and Target locations, ABC News and its collaborating stations monitored each tracker’s location multiple times a day for months. The trackers pinged whenever they were near a compatible digital or mobile device.

    The trackers were super glued and wrapped inside multiple layers of clean plastic bags. ABC News checked every location the trackers pinged from on their journey and determined that they likely did not encounter plastic bag sorting en route that could have potentially separated a tracker from a bag.

    One of the first trackers to move was one deployed at a Target store in Kingston, New York, in December 2022. It showed up about a week later deep inside the Seneca Meadows Landfill in Waterloo, New York — as we deployed additional trackers over the next couple months, many other trackers also made their way to landfills.

    Fast forward to May 2023, and half the trackers launched last pinged at landfills or trash incinerators; seven stopped pinging at transfer stations that do not recycle or sort plastic bags, and six last pinged at the store where they were dropped off and haven’t been heard from in months, while the locations of three other trackers in the U.S. were inconclusive.

    Three other trackers last pinged thousands of miles overseas – in Asia.

    It’s all a scam to keep people using plastics. Plastics which are now in out bodies, including our hearts , livers, testicles, placenta, and even our brains.

    And this isn’t just in one person, or a few people. It was found in every human placenta tested in the study linked above. Every single one. And remember this isn’t only people. If this plastic debris ends up having a negative effect on reproduction, it will impact every single mammal on the planet including us.

  • They frankly don’t have the manpower to secure every rooftop

    That could certainly be the case but they were working with other law enforcement agencies and have already admitted that they did not give clear instructions to local police that the rooftop needed to be secured.

    While there were discussions before the rally about how the AGR building and a nearby property were going to be secured, Rowe said there should have been more clear direction about what the Secret Service needed. He noted that on the day of the rally, there were issues identified with respect to the line-of-sight to Trump that were not brought to the attention of supervisors.


    He was spotted earlier on the roof supposedly, but they can’t simply start shooting at every guy on a roof. A guy on a roof at a public gathering is not a confirmed threat.

    No, but a guy on a roof with a rifle, particularly a rifle pointed at the target you are supposed to be protecting, sure as hell is a confirmed threat. Had they been paying attention to that roof, they certainly would have shot him before he got any shots off. Just like the agent in Florida started shooting immediately when he saw a rifle barrel sticking through the fence at the golf course.

  • The part that gets me is how utterly unbelievable it is that the Secret Service did not secure a nearby roof with a clear line of site to where Trump would be speaking and then allowed a kid with a rifle to climb up there during the speech and they didn’t notice? Cops noticed. Audience members noticed. But the Secret Service didn’t? They just didn’t notice a huge gaping hole in their defenses while guarding a former president and current candidate? I know the saying is that you shouldn’t ascribe to malevolence what can be adequately explained by incompetence, but come on. Incompetence just cannot do this kind of heave lifting.

  • It’s so crazy that anyone aside from the people who own insurance companies thinks things were better before the ACA.

    It’s actually worse than that.

    In the survey, 35 percent of respondents said either they thought Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were different policies (17 percent) or didn’t know if they were the same or different (18 percent). This confusion was more pronounced among people 18 to 29 and those who earn less than $50,000 — two groups that could be significantly affected by repeal.

    A very large number of people are sitting in their trailers, drinking a PBR, and thinking that repealing Obamacare is a good thing because they got their insurance through the ACA.