• JoeMarx 193
      1 year ago

      >Romani are slurred because of their behavior

      Blacks were also slurred for their behavior, and Romanis were also discriminated for their appearance *coughs in Nazis*.

      • @OCRBot@lemmygrad.mlB
        211 months ago
        Image 1 text

        sat5ui_no_hadou 42. 3h Comparing the N-word to “gypsy” is false equivalences. People of African heritage are discriminated against because of their outward appearance, the N-word is an extension of that. Romani are slurred because of their behavior. Romani ethnicity is not visually distinctive. You can’t change your race, but you can certainly choose not to be an asshole.

        This action was performed by a bot.

      • @OCRBot@lemmygrad.mlB
        211 months ago
        Image 1 text

        sat5ui_no_hadou 42. 3h Comparing the N-word to “gypsy” is false equivalences. People of African heritage are discriminated against because of their outward appearance, the N-word is an extension of that. Romani are slurred because of their behavior. Romani ethnicity is not visually distinctive. You can’t change your race, but you can certainly choose not to be an asshole.

        This action was performed by a bot.