I was considering joining an org, I won’t say who, but they invited me to a protest without organizational safety briefing and protocols of safety when doing a protest. Maybe I need to touch grass and more opsec paranoid than most. I asked to join the org then had a video meeting, then was swiftly invited to protest a place not real with a strong possibility of being observed by people from that non existent place. I’m not sure if it was timing or sloppyness. I’m not close to the org so I don’t know how much they have my back if I’d personally experience a dialectial relationship with the entity in question. They also communicated over clear text.

Is this a sign of incompetence by the organizers or a honeypot?

We were not plotting anything illegal, I just don’t want things tied to my identity following me around more than they need to.

Do even Marxist orgs handle security so flippantly ? Am I worrying too much?

  • @frippa
    111 year ago

    My org uses WhatsApp 💀

    • Black AOC
      91 year ago

      On one hand, that’s vaguely horrifying. Hello, electronic search warrants, how you doin’? On the other hand, I don’t know how tightly locked up WhatsApp’s encryption schemes are, are they end-to-end?

      • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        91 year ago

        It doesn’t matter how good the encryption is if there are built in backdoors to which the company will just hand the keys to the FBI and CIA when asked.

        • Black AOC
          81 year ago

          Facts. Forcibly reminded of that one xkcd comic regarding ‘what nerds think encryption will do for them’ vs ‘what it’ll actually do’; which is “beat him with this 5 buck truncheon until he coughs up the password”.

      • @frippa
        81 year ago

        i believe they say so, but i don’t trust em a bit, telegram/matrix/signal would be leagues better

  • @Aria@lemmygrad.ml
    101 year ago

    My gut says incompetence, but hard to say. If you do further your relationship with them, you should try to introduce opsec and private communication to the org.