• Soviet Snake
    21 year ago

    Do you think it’s possible to add something like a copy paste select all buttons on the free space of the keyboard? I was using FlorisBoard and one of the coolest features is that, specially since there are applications on Android that won’t let you hold to paste on some fields.

    • DessalinesOPMA
      21 year ago

      That might be possible. Open up an issue on the github if you would.

  • @Cassilda@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I say this on IzzyOnDroid, and I’m super excited about it, as a former MessageEase user. I have questions!

    The main one is about the English layout. What advantages is it supposed to have over the MessageEase layout? I have that one pretty well in my muscle memory, and I know I can still just use it, but I’m open to changing if there’s an advantage…

    One thing I liked about MessageEase was that it had keys like Ctrl, Alt, Esc, and Tab available, which made it useful in, for example, Termux. Should I open a GitHub issue for that?

    Another thing I was used to was looping on a letter (or direction then back) for capitalizing a single letter. Reasonable/doable? Or do you feel it’s redundant?

    • DessalinesOPMA
      11 year ago

      For sure! That’s why I made it, I’ve used messageease for years and was tired of its lack of updates.

      The main one is about the English layout. What advantages is it supposed to have over the MessageEase layout? I have that one pretty well in my muscle memory, and I know I can still just use it, but I’m open to changing if there’s an advantage…

      The design section of the readme has this. Messagease did correctly did groupings of 9 letters, but didn’t care where it put those. I designed thumb-key to try to alternate fingers, keeping the vowels on one side and the consonants on the other.

      There, is still the messageease layout in the settings tho.

      The control, alt, escape chars I could see being useful, open up an issue for those if you would. Not the looping letters one tho, that seems pratty pointless considering auto-capitalize, and the shift button.