I don’t really browse the public timeline but when I do, I wish I never looked at it again.

The local timeline of the instance that I am on is pretty good and well moderated.

The public timeline should be removed imo

  • @xarvos
    93 years ago

    Your experience ≠ everyone else’s experience. On very small instances the federated timeline is usually relatively OK and is a good way to discover new people. What’s the point of fediverse without the federation? If you don’t like it you can just not visit it. If you don’t like someone on that feed you can block them, or even their whole instance.

    • @the_tech_beastOP
      3 years ago

      The global timeline:

      • hentai
      • porn
      • bots
      • random news articles
      • pictures of cats, rabbits, etc

      This is what I usually see when I open up the global timeline.

      Even the developer of mastodon is aware of this and has not even included the global timeline in the official iOS app because the global timeline is not friendly to new users.

      Its a useless feature imo.

      • @esi
        2 years ago

        deleted by creator

      • @ttmrichter
        13 years ago

        That’s what I see when I open up the federated timeline on two different Mastodon instances and snapshot the top page or so of content. (Well, without the glitch in the screen capture, obviously.) Notably absent:

        • hentai
        • porn
        • bots (I think, maybe there was some bot stuff in Japanese there)
        • random news articles
        • pictures of cats, rabbits, etc.

        Even had there been:

        • content settings and blocks work for the first two
        • bots are easy to spot and block too
        • I actually like random news articles so …
        • pictures can be scrolled over easily or settings can be adjusted so you can’t even see them

        In short, the only useless thing I’m seeing is the whining about the global feed.

  • riccardo
    3 years ago

    Isn’t the global timeline supposed to show just the posts from the instances your home instance federates with? There are many (relatively-small, usually, but also larger ones) instances that federate just with servers that are known to host good content, in these cases the federated timeline is a great feature. Similarly, here on Lemmy, the federated frontpage contains good content and is not a bottomless pit of bots/spam/cryptonews like mastodon.social’s federated timeline. Not sure if you’re advocating for its disabling just in mastodon.social 🤔

  • @ttmrichter
    23 years ago

    Let me see if I understand this.

    YOU don’t like the public timeline, ergo EVERYBODY ELSE should not have access to it.

    Am I reading that right, or am I tripping really hard?

    I don’t like posts about C++. Hateful language. Ergo nobody else should be permitted to read them. Q.E.D.

  • @OhScee
    2 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @the_tech_beastOP
      13 years ago

      I guess so.

      You are right, mastodon users don’t really use hashtags that much.