• @k_o_t
    3 years ago

    how this shit show has not yet fallen apart is a mystery to me 🤷‍♀️

    fingers crossed it’s close 🤗🤗

    • @nutomicA
      53 years ago

      It is currently falling apart right in front of our eyes.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      33 years ago

      Yeah, it’s kind of amazing that US hasn’t collapsed under its own weight yet.

    • @Jeffrey
      3 years ago

      There are millions of people who spend their lives and careers trying to make things better, trying to fix things as they break, and effectively working around systemic failures. Despite how critically flawed many of our systems are they are not as flimsy as they appear because the good people just doing their best to hold everything together are succeeding. That’s inspiring to me.

      If things fall apart history shows us that greater suffering is an absolute certainty. Please, don’t wish that on me or anyone else. Things need to change, but collapse and destruction are the ugliest options for change.

  • down daemon
    63 years ago

    I’m thinking of getting a van and decking it out with nice stuff. I could afford rent, living with my parents right now but I have a good job. Not to sound capitalist, but buying a decent van and fixing it up adds value to it, should I ever have to sell it. An apartment would be a black hole of money to a landlord with no value added.

    • @ttmrichter
      03 years ago

      If enough people start doing this, they’ll find ways to rent-seek on your van. Like parking fees that cost you more per year than the van was worth.

    • @Gmork
      33 years ago

      Lol. Same here and when I try to explain this to people it usually falls on deaf ears.

  • @ChinaNumberOne
    53 years ago

    this needs to change soon, lot’s of people around me want to move to the countryside for a “better life”

    • @ttmrichter
      -23 years ago

      Can I pencil you in sometime before the heat death of the universe for actually fucking doing something about it then?

    • @ttmrichter
      13 years ago

      How large a population can you support in rural America with those prices staying the way they are? The prices in rural America are low because nobody wants to live there. Basic supply/demand. When the demand goes up, so, inevitably, will the prices.

        • @ttmrichter
          33 years ago

          That has several obvious flaws, I think. If everybody is growing their own food (an extremely time-intensive occupation), nobody’s working on, oh, I don’t know, mathematics. Or physics. Or philosophy. Or art. Or … well, you get the drift.

          Bucolic fantasy is very seductive to people who aren’t forced to live it out. The ideal of civilization is to reduce such requirements to zero; to free humans from subsistence living. Which can be done without capitalist distortions and destruction and degradation, but takes watchfulness.

          Let those who want to farm, farm. Let those who want to do something else (non-destructive, naturally) do that instead. Society should be focused on that, not on making billionaires, nor making everybody a subsistence farmer.

            • @ttmrichter
              33 years ago

              Oh, you won’t get any argument here. HOAs are unmitigated evils.

  • @drd
    3 years ago

    Even worse when you live in a high cost of living state or area. 🙃 Recently I went over my monthly expenses and man can things blow up if not monitored frequently. Did not know most of us die in debt, not really surprising but still ridiculous.