Seriously starting to look like they going to try something. Could this turn the global community fully against the US? The lib mental gymnastics is gonna be insane.

  • Nocheztli ☭
    281 year ago

    The global community is against the US, because the global community is not just the west. What you are thinking is of full hostility. But I don’t think any of that would happen. I also hope a US invasion of Mexico doesn’t happen. If the US puts boots on the ground here it will probably be done under the guise of anti-narco and shit, and probably would be done so with some loose legality with an agreement with the mexican government. Any unilateral action would be seen, not only by the government, but by the mexican people as a whole (aside from some gusanos that would be happy to give the country to the americans at first sight just like the opposition party PAN) as an act of war and I’m pretty sure we would act accordingly. The US might do a ton of shit here covertly, they have been doing so for decades and everyone knows it, but a full blown invasion would be met with resolute resistance. In the case of the international response to something like that. I’m not hopeful of anything coming against it. I highly doubt any country would be hostile to the US in any significant way as a result of an invasion. For example, neither Russia or China, being the global powers opposed to the US, would be in any position to help Mexico militarily, only diplomatically but even then I doubt it would have any significance. The other “smaller” countries of Latin America or Africa would also not be in a position to present a challenge in case an invasion happens. I fear Mexico would have the loosing end of this exchange and violence would spring again throughout the country as it has done for the last two decades during the war on drugs. Basically, any action in the UN would be fruitless. The US would veto any sanction or resolution. I fear Mexico would be alone if war with the US breaks out as result of this, but I also don’t think it will get to that point. They will just make some joint exercises with the mexican army or something like that to flex the muscle and domestically appear as “doing something” against drug trafficking. I really would like all US comrades to ramp up an anti-war movement because I really really really don’t want the US army invading my country again. Especially when things are starting to get a little less miserable.

    • 小莱卡
      161 year ago

      Maybe im too pessimistic but this is definitely the weakest the US has been in my 30 years of living, i wouldnt rule out them trying to re-establish their authority in latin america by a military invasion. Patadas de ahogado como dicen.

  • First they have to pass the wall, then Vietnam and Afghanistan 2.0, then they’d also have to face the cartels which would be interesting when they capture Yankee soldiers. Probably many countries will arm and send help to Mexico from all sides, possibly some countries of Latin America joining and help Mexico get it’s land back including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona etc… Was just having a discussion about this and my brother said to me that he would possibly straight up join to defend Mexico.

    Hope this never happens, but if it does, it’s gonna be hell and possibly final end for Yankees!🇲🇽

    231 year ago

    In my neck of the woods? We disrupt any and all form of aid our country sends to the U.S. in its imperialist war, the purpose of which is to no doubt seize Mexico’s nationalised natural resources.

    From the sound of things, if an invasion happens then international volunteers from across the world will flock to Mexico to fight Yankee imperialism, as is only right. With that said, at the same time efforts must be made in the west to disrupt any and all outside lines of supply to the U.S. war machine. As someone inside such a country, I think myself and others in my position are well placed to fulfil that role.

    Take for example the disruption Palestine Action have caused in my country to weapons manufacturers that provide for Israel. In the event of a new war in Mexico, similar tactics will be required to disarm American imperialism.

        • Kaffe
          1 year ago

          A few cartel partitions will get thrown as a sacrifice and for PR and the rest will participate in the US ransacking of Mexico. The cartels are the anticommunist forces of Mexico.

          It’s the same reason why opium production jumped after the US invasion of Afghanistan. The drug lords and traffickers in Afghanistan were the Liberals that assisted the US occupation.

        101 year ago

        So it is really a drug cartel and not some scapegoats or human right fighters who kill “innocent” American government thugs in self defense?

        • Kaffe
          1 year ago

          The cartels are real, but misrepresented. They are not only drug runners and coyotes, they are cops, soldiers, generals, lawyers, accountants, bankers, politicians, capitalists, engineers, and more.

          They are full on multi-national corporations, with deep business ties to “mafias” in many countries. The Batistas in pre-Revolution Cuba are a prime example of the merger of Narcos, US Deep state, and neo-Colonialism.

        • @201dberg@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago

          The cartels that are friend to western powers won’t be considered cartels and will be given munitions, manpower, money, etc to use against the “cartels” that aren’t friendly to western powers. Like for instance the current President who is pushing for resource nationalization.

    • 小莱卡
      231 year ago

      A couple of ghouls have been pushing the narrative that military intervention is needed to fight drug cartels cuz some yuppies died of fentanyl poisoning in their coke. Also like 4 americans got killed by a drug cartel recently fueling the fire.

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.mlOP
      191 year ago

      Building on the other two comments they are using this excuse to go after the Mexican government due to their push to nationalize the lithium mines.