• loathesome dongeater
    103 years ago


    We are a country that could not keep a demagogue from the White House; could not stop an insurrectionist mob from storming the Capitol; could not win (or at least avoid losing) a war against a morally and technologically retrograde enemy; cannot conquer a disease for which there are safe and effective vaccines; and cannot bring itself to trust the government, the news media, the scientific establishment, the police or any other institution meant to operate for the common good.

    Every single one of these was a conscious decision (maybe except the losing the war).

    • @jollyrogue
      53 years ago

      I’m not sure. The Taliban is a continuation of the Mujahadeen the US armed to take down the democratic, but Russian backed, government, and it is the exact type of authoritarian dictatorship the US likes to install. If we get bases there, no harm, no foul. It would be cheaper in the long run anyway.

      Anyway, we’ve moved on to China. More lucrative to the military-industrial complex, and a better villain in the press.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        63 years ago

        Only problem being that US economy is heavily dependent on China, and you can’t bully China without them hurting you back.

        • @jollyrogue
          23 years ago

          US citizens aren’t that smart.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            43 years ago

            Sure, but their opinions don’t matter since US is an oligarchy. On the other hand, the ruling class is pretty divided on China since a lot of them have a lot of investments there. I highly doubt that US would be in position to take any kind of coordinated action against China in practice.