• @solune@lemmygrad.ml
    113 years ago

    I wonder if the “But at what cost?” line is sort of a way of prompting readers to imagine their own horrible scenario for what the cost might be, thus having the readers do some of the work of the propaganda themselves?

    • Muad'DibberOP
      63 years ago

      At WHAT COST!! Didn’t anyone think about the freedom for the poor to starve!

  • Jared Mohammed
    63 years ago

    People are using clickbait articles to attract more viewers onto their website. It is a sad state of affairs. They capitalize on people’s ever growing fear of China (since the countries these coporations are based upon do not have the best relation with China). It is a sad state of affairs to see how modern day journalism has slowly been removing itself from their ethical roots in favour of more publicity (and revenue considering they charge either a subscription or support themselves by placing ads everywhere on their pages).

    • Muad'DibberOP
      33 years ago

      I’m reading Parenti - Inventing reality right now, and a lot of this stuff that was true in the 1980s, is on steroids today.