Introduction 1.

Imagine the underside of a cloud. In your mind can you picture the rifts and folds presented? As the cloud is roiling and shifting – imagine the interface between the cloud and the no-cloud sky. Roiling – undulating – like surf somewhat. The really heavy clouds drop rain – they’ve coalesced enough to fall from the sky that’s no longer able to buoy it up. Physical conditions have changed as well as the results.

New imagination. Let’s talk ‘scale’. This is “our” scale - pretty much the atomic periodic table of elements and their constituent parts. That’s what we have to work with. There’s lots more ‘stuff’ with here with “us” both upscale and downscale, but atomic structures are observable, manipulable and give predictable results. Oh, and our scale pretty much consists of the periodic table AND the ElectroMagnetic(EM) spectrum (plus a bit further off each end of those scales).

These two things comprise the domain, the borders, for “our” reality… our SCALE. The infinitely varying intersections of these two things makes “reality”. Or the word “space”, or our universe (a tiny piece of the infinite cosmos).

That border “line” (area) between the cloud and the sky is our scale. One one side of the border (the UPSCALE border) is a cloud too big for the raindrop to imagine – correspondingly the drop falling from the cloud has a negligible effect on the cloud.On the other side of that border is the air – molecules of atmosphere – much “smaller” than the raindrop and having negligible effect on it. This is DOWNSCALE. Downscale is smaller (less complex). Upscale is bigger (more complex). One scale down (think ‘quarks’), we have approximately 124 ‘configurations’ – corresponding per that scale to “our” periodic table. And below that scale – repeat.