I’m not into these cloud and docker stuff. i have limited knowledge of installing software on VPS. i have installed discourse on digitalocean successfully, it was simple even with docker presence.

Is there any type of resources that explains the installation process step by step for beginner people like me?

    • @nutomicA
      3 years ago

      If you see any way that the documentation could be improved, then we are very happy about a pull request :)

      And of course we can also answer questions if anything is unclear.

    • @jay91OP
      33 years ago

      Thank you so much, i just need to now which ubuntu version i must use during the server setup.

      • seahorse
        43 years ago

        Digital Ocean gives you the option to simply spin up Ubuntu 20.04 with one click. That’s what I did. If you’re not familiar with Linux I highly recommend going through the Linux upskill challenge. They go over the basics and have you set up a firewall.

        Make sure your port 443 is open when you get TLS set up. I spent an entire day troubleshooting why my site wouldn’t get served to find out port 443 was appearing as filtered instead of open.

        • @jay91OP
          33 years ago

          Thanks for your advise, i’m not going to production directly, i will do some testes for 2 weeks. after that i will launch for the public. the good thing is, that this community is very helpful. so i have no fears. also, i will go through the upskill challenge.

    • @jay91OP
      3 years ago

      I will have a look on it. Any plans to put lemmy on Digitalocean marketplace, that way the users can go with one click setup?

      • DessalinesA
        33 years ago

        Someone else could do that, there are too many providers that have one click setups for us to take care of ourselves.

    • Tmpod
      53 years ago

      A single container doesn’t sound good to me. Stuff should be separated inyo multiple containers and orchestrated with Compose or something of the sort imo

      • DessalinesA
        3 years ago

        Lemmy’s official install docs are here, and it uses separate containers.

    • @mesamunefire
      33 years ago

      I would love a guide on how to get lemmt set up on a pi! I might do a self hosting solution in addition to the main account.