• @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    143 years ago

    “When people have nothing to eat they eat the rich, and where there are no rich they each each other” is she defending capitalism there? that it’s preferable to have capitalists at the helm so at least we have someone to point the finger at?

    • Muad'DibberOP
      103 years ago

      My guess is she’s doing a “defense of kulaks”, thinking they’re poor peasants, and thus seeing collectivization as a negative. I’ve even seen a lot of anarchists defending kulaks on that basis. Either way this is peak liberalism for preferring the status quo to revolution against landlords and capitalists.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSA
        83 years ago

        It’s just the typical “the real victims were the rich fucks all this time!” talking point that I heard over and over and over again growing up.

        Yeah, “stunning analysis” Contrapoints.

    • @Schooner
      -123 years ago

      It’s preferable for me to have capitalists at the helm because they didn’t destroy the economy and oppress political dissidents. No neolibs though, they can find their own spot of grass.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    93 years ago

    I had a friend recently praise Contrapoints in a post, so it’s safe to say I’m one friend fewer. Friends don’t let friends idolize radlibs.

    Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if in 30 years we find out that she and Vaush are being paid off by the CIA to be digital cointelpro.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      3 years ago

      She admitted to being a radlib too, so it’s not even a “we’re the real socialists, not her”, she’s openly non-socialist and constantly gets Marxism entirely wrong. Which is a great shame, before she was popular she generally had good takes on Marxism, and often argued in favour of Marxist ideals. But, I guess money’s a great motivator for a person to become a class traitor.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer
        3 years ago

        Also, IMO, people really shoulda just left her behind when she said the trueskum shit a few years ago and didn’t back down when the only people backing up her arguments were… the likes of Ben Shapiro and Louder with Chowder.

        Full-on shamed allies and invalidated non-binary folk, but ‘it’s okay, she’s trans and gets a pass’. Also doesn’t help that she blamed her views on being an “oldschool gay”, instead of listening to people telling her exactly why she was wrong and why what she said was hurtful to so many of her fans. Also it didn’t help that she did an interview after and tried to make herself look like a victim of “cancel culture” for saying people are shitty for asking for pronouns… so they, ya know, don’t misgender anyone accidentally, because not everyone can be “trans-passing”.

        • Star Wars Enjoyer
          3 years ago

          She tries so hard to use gen-z language and jokes, but can’t wrap her head around gen-z gender norms or modern gender activism. It’s hilarious, such “hello fellow youths” energy watching her use the “and I oop” meme after completely butchering Marx. Like all liberals, everything she does is performative, just attention-seeking with no substance, an endless advertisement of her petty-bourgeois ideals for money. It’s frustrating that she’s still highly regarded.

        • Muad'DibberOP
          83 years ago

          I remember that. It was essentially her telling trans people to be “quiet” and less “in your face” about being trans. She’s basically a softer case of Milo in that sense: “I’m not like all those other gays, who are all in your face about it”, etc.

          • Star Wars Enjoyer
            83 years ago

            she really played the ‘I have a black friend, I’m not racist’ equivalent for transphobes on that one, and seems to have no shame about it. Guess the outrage she caused gave her more money in AdSense, which is a pity.