• Franklin's Beard
    2110 months ago

    “Z’s Impact is positive” “Z is historically progressive”

    That’s so fucking ridiculous. The author should be ashamed. What Z is doing is classic imperialism. Russia felt like they had the right to invade a sovereign country simply because they wanted more cooperation with the west. So much life has been lost on both sides because of the fascistic rule of Vladimir Putin. Anyone that views him or this war positively is a disgusting fascist or too ignorant to look past Russian propaganda. Both are equally awful as they serve the same outcome - more death, more imperialism, more fascism.

    If any leftists feel an attachment to Russia because of the USSR, then stop. Russia is NOT the USSR, they’re not a socialist country, they’re not even remotely leftist. They are a capitalist oligarchy of fat-cat monopolizers. Their economy runs on oil exports that are killing the planet.

    Over a year into this conflict, you’d think it’d be obvious to everyone what’s going on. Delusional shit like this article should be heavily criticized at every opportunity.

    • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.mlOP
      10 months ago

      I think the mood in Russia is very anti-fascist right now since they are literally fighting Nazis again. Anti-fascist and anti-imperialist groups like the communists have gained more traction and popularity as a result. The only way that Russia makes a turn toward fascism is if they lose the conflict with NATO in Ukraine which would create a lot of instability and revanchism in Russia. But right now Russia is winning.

      Europe on the other hand has chosen to side with Nazis and is itself turning more and more fascist in both its rhetoric and its actions. And it will get worse because conditions in Europe will only continue to decline as the US siphons off Europe’s prosperity to keep its own from sliding. There will also be huge resentment about losing their proxy war with Russia.

      The bright side of all this is that even as Europe devolves into barbarism their power globally will be crippled and they will no longer have the ability to harm and keep down the global south. And even the US which will only survive due to cannibalizing Europe will be greatly diminished in its reach. The rest of the world will move on, they will build development and prosperity and will rise alongside China.

            • @psilocybin@discuss.tchncs.de
              10 months ago

              I was curious, but didn’t find a lot. Did you have a specific page in mind?

              I only found this paragraph where they are talking about their willingness to ally with “anti-globalists”

              In seeking to promote social-class and national-liberation struggle the CPRF is aware that it has real and potential political allies. These are the parties and non-governmental associations of the left, socialist end of the spectrum, and progressive patriotic movement. They include the trade unions, workers’, peasants’, women’s, veterans’, youth, religious, educational, creative, environmental, antiglobalist and other non-governmental organizations. All those who care about the working people and fight against the enslavement of Russia, those who have not tarnished their names by appeasing the disastrous course of the ruling regime. The communists respect their right to hold their own views and do not impose their own views on them. But in the course of dialogue and interaction with them they do not believe that they have to hide their firm conviction that protection of the national-state interests of Russia today blends with the struggle for socialism and the Soviet forms of rule by the people. We are sure that life will prove us right


        • @psilocybin@discuss.tchncs.de
          -110 months ago

          I have had a similar sense about the KPRF, without allowing myself judgement as I don’t know a lot.

          I just want add that no side in this conflict fights against the oppression of the working class.

          The future for working class parties/movements in Ukraine looks grim too with leftist parties banned and US capital picking up the reins

  • @psilocybin@discuss.tchncs.de
    10 months ago

    I understand why comrades feel compelled to support either side but there is no value in ripping each other apart as all sides in this conflict actively support the oppression of the working class.

    There is value in discussing how to best deal with the situation that, as horrible as it is, exists.

    As the socialist perspective is inherently internationalist it is important not to miss the global upheavals that are also taking place and that this war to a degree is embedded in.

    • @misterslime12@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Ok. What have you done to weaken US hegemony, then? If we don’t need Russia surely there is a much better marxist alternative already militarily weakening the US, right? Because if so I’m happy to drop all support for Putin.

      I would absolutely love it if the communist party of russia (putin’s only relevant opposition) managed to pull off a coup, but until that happens we work with what we got.