2008 score to settle

not sure if we have any georgians here who could attest to georgia majorly buffing up their military since 2008

New alliance; ARA - attacked by russia anonymous

  • @vekku@sopuli.xyz
    31 year ago

    Their active personnel is 37000 people, with reserves of about 130 000. They’ve been moving towards NATO compliance, but are probably not quite there yet. A hundred or so T-72 tanks and some artillery. No modern fighter planes.

    So I don’t know. They wouldn’t bring down Russia obviously, but opening a second front wouldn’t help Russia either, I’m sure.

    • Thanks for weighing in!

      Still no fighter planes, I would think that would mean they’d get wrecked again, but I don’t know anything about anti air

  • @graphito@beehaw.org
    11 year ago

    @vekku@sopuli.xyz did a great job outlining military prospects of this action. As a next step we could be asking who else has good “risk to reward” ratio in engaging the Ivans.

    Imo, the easiest answer is Turkaeyiee and they know it. That explains questionable deals they do with Moscow: it shows intention to extract max profit from dying empire without making ones hands dirty.

      • @vekku@sopuli.xyz
        1 year ago

        Historically since 1500s about, so kind of the same as almost every other Russia’s neighbor. Erdogan and Putin are politically bit similar though which might have made their relations look rather cordial lately.

  • @DerPapa69
    11 year ago

    I keep being stunned by the childish view of actual war people have on the internet…