• d-RLY?
    41 year ago

    It seems strange that the same party that has literally been the one that lost to the CPC over the mainland is the one to be accused of being “pro-Beijing”. Though I am not what I would call particularly knowledgeable about the specific politics of the two Chinas. So I am guessing the KMT of today being willing to work with the CPC is kind of like how the two main US parties basically swapped places over the years? Being clear, I don’t mean that the KMT and the CPC swapped. Just how the KMT seems to have changed on being willing to work with the mainland.

    Taiwan working with the mainland better would certainly make it harder for the US to use it as an excuse to start the war that we are being groomed to expect in the next few years. If China can manage to win over the people on Taiwan then a military invasion will be avoided and the US will continue to lose face with the world. And the CPC will have shown that it isn’t anything close to the “authoritarian aggressive imperialists” that the western media and the US government constantly paints them as. They will still be called all that and more for sure, but other nations will put more effort into standing up against the constant demands of the US.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      31 year ago

      The history is that KMT lost the civil war and fled to Taiwan, but they were never a separatist party. Rather they considered themselves to be the legitimate government of all China. Today, KMT obviously gave up on that ambition and they simply want Taiwan to be repatriated into China on favourable terms. They actually came very close to an agreement with the mainland back in 2014. The deal that was proposed was that Taiwan would stay as an autonomous province with its own military, and would have a representative in the CPC. US response was to create the sunflower movement that put DPP in power who promptly tanked any prospects of a deal.

      DPP has been ruling ever since, but it looks like the war in Ukraine sobered up a lot of people and DPP performed disastrously in recent elections as a result. It looks like people in Taiwan aren’t keen on fighting a proxy war with China to the last man the way Ukrainians did.

      • d-RLY?
        51 year ago

        Thanks for the info on this. It is nothing but tragic that real progress on re-integration that comes from the people choosing it is wrecked time and time again.