• Soviet Snake
    141 year ago

    This will be the briefest war on earth, how are they going to go on a war with China? The supply chain will be cut and their entire economy will implode, fucking ridiculous.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      141 year ago

      The idea of US taking on China absolutely deranged in every respect, yet so was the idea that they could use Ukraine as a proxy to take apart Russia. Yet, here we are.

      • Soviet Snake
        121 year ago

        Well, yeah, but at least Russia isn’t such a big economic entity as China is, and Russia doesn’t have as big as an army as China, and moreover with how the international situation is looking, no one except Europe (who’s military strength is laughable) is going to align with them because it would also mean economic death for them.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          111 year ago

          Yeah, the west is becoming rapidly isolated geopolitically and it’s not even self sufficient. I have no idea why anybody would think that US could take on China and come out on top. This further highlights that US regime consists of utter imbeciles.

        • @peeonyou
          21 year ago

          but Russia has thousands more nukes than China

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            1 year ago

            Seriously, China now have maybe around 400 warheads, but 4 years ago it was estimated on 200, and they are building up and Pentagon suspect they will have 1500 by 2035.

            Nuclear option is of course discussed in Pentagon, and i bet their usual idea of “short victorious war” but with nukes is on the table since some people there probably think along the lines of “Lets strike now, we can shoot down most of their 400 warheads and can survive the rest relatively intact, it’s better than losing hegemony”. This is think is the gist of issue, they are losing it and might decide that nuked world under their heel is better than the multiploar one.

      • Soviet Snake
        71 year ago

        China also has nukes and it can also respond, at best it would be a tie, and there is no winning psrty with that because we would all die.

  • krolden
    51 year ago

    Stargate really made the air force look a lot smarter than they actually are.

  • @peeonyou
    11 year ago

    it’s gonna come sooner than that i think

    • @guojing
      51 year ago

      China doesn’t intervene in the internal politics of other countries. They will be fully content once the US stops doing imperialism and stays in its own borders.

    • d-RLY?
      41 year ago

      I would love it to be that straightforward (aside from the massive amounts of lives that would most certainly be lost). The fucked up part is that given the size of the US and the various types of environments for people to spread out into. It would be either nukes right from the jump if the US is directly attacked (especially the second that boots hit the mainland). If a super unlikely amount of self-control does manage to win out in the military and political leaders and they aren’t just all launched. Then it will be super long protracted guerrilla war (and an active civil war between the right and left) in occupied areas with direct support from whatever other areas are still under US control (or from China in the cases of leftist held areas).

      Given how the vast majority of people are still blindly believers in capitalist propaganda. It will mean that the working masses will stand against anything that has been taught to them as “actually being worse/evil”. So they won’t see the reality of being able to take the chance of economic liberation that the anti-capitalist systems offer. Leftists in any areas that the US controls will most certainly be rounded up by fascists and other right-wing factions, along with the centrists/moderates supporting the round ups. And all that is just if a direct attack were to hit the US. Even with all that, the US would have the Navy and other branches stationed around China go all-in. I think the only way that nukes would have any chance of being off the table (short of all nukes being completely taken out first) would be if allies of the US would only agree to help if they are taken off the table as options.

      The only way I could see it working out in a socialist nation(s) victory without the end of the world for everyone on it, would be if the left could somehow manage to wake up millions and millions of people in every state and region. Otherwise the masses will just hate China and support shit that would make what happened after 9/11 look like some super educated shit. Reactionaries have been running shit and have the means of political and media capital. That being said, if the US for some reason or another makes the first attack. Then China could gain some real support up front and it could then lead to a civil war in the US over said attack. At which point it could at least lead to some states leaving the union (would be good if they leave and become socialist or even just having large regions take up the black flag of anarchy).

      It would be kind of funny if such a situation were to somehow be the thing that lead to the red and black blocs working together and having agreements that various areas were to be able to try out different things. Given the US is so fixated on “individualism”, and how large the current nation is. I could see Anarcho-Communism being an easier way to get broad support in more rural states/areas. Would also be good if China were to focus on aid and support and not take a more traditional “we now own this” stance. The right would just call whatever we have as its own thing a puppet state of China. But they could very much help the new state/states form socialism with North American characteristics that would be needed to suite the material conditions of the masses here. And if some areas go with a more anarchist way of things. Let them give it a try as long as both (socialists and anarchists) can respect the space of the one anothers’ attempts at a new world. Though I know that this idea is more a “nice idealistic thought” by some and will be laughed at by hardliners of both black and red blocs that read it. So please know that I do understand even just historically speaking many reasons that such a leftist unity wouldn’t be allowed. Just don’t drag me too hard for a personal belief/dream of co-existence in a post capitalist world.

      No matter what, the left really really needs to be making big wins right now in order to have any chances of a proletariat revolution. Good news is that ever since Trump and the more openly fascist groups started being in the news. More and more leftists (and even liberals) are at least seriously looking into or actively buying weapons (or at least taking time to learn about them and how to use them). And we have seen that both Millennials and Zoomers are more open to socialism/communism/anarchism being real options. Rise in unions trying to form is also helpful/hopeful.