• @m532
    31 year ago

    Sounds like a headline from 1941

  • @nachtigall@feddit.de
    -61 year ago

    No surprise. Russia has been fighting an info and cyber war against the west for many years and tries to divide and destabilize Germany by funding far-right parties, amongst other.

    • Sightline
      1 year ago

      Correct. Senate report here, start around page 6: https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Report_Volume2.pdf

      Analysis of the behavior of the IRA-associated social media accounts makes dear that while the Russian information warfare campaign exploited the context of the election and election-related issues in 2016, the preponderance of the operational focus, as reflected repeatedly in content, account names, and audiences targeted, was on socially divisive issues-such as race, immigration, and Second Amendment rights-in an attempt to pit Americans against one another and against their government.