The whole city’s frozen over. I slipped hard off the first step off my stoop and went comically flying. Took a couple minutes lying on the frozen earth to recover. Tis the season.
The whole city’s frozen over. I slipped hard off the first step off my stoop and went comically flying. Took a couple minutes lying on the frozen earth to recover. Tis the season.
I know it is hard to do on practice but when you slip with your face looking upwards you should force your chin against your chest, so that your head doesn’t hit against the floor and you hurt your neck or skull. A good practice for this is let yourself go to the floor with something soft and practice doing this.
Someone’s been practicing their falls :D Good job, and good advice.
Edit: is this part of systema?
Yeah, lol, of course it is not infallible but it helps to know about it.
It definitely helps! I can’t recount how many injuries I’ve avoided over the years because I was taught how to fall when I was young.