• DessalinesMA
      63 years ago

      This is what I’m interested in too. Functionally both OC and Liberapay have the teams set up as coops, and their source code is open. But maybe comradery will do that too.

        • DessalinesMA
          43 years ago

          Oh, I’m not sure about their dev teams, I mean the teams that sign up are effectively coops, IE no single project owner, only code contributers as part of a team that receive contributions.

  • Metawish
    33 years ago

    So from my understanding, comradery is intended to be a workers owned central website where orgs can participate and vote for how it will work, as opposed to OpenCollective which controls the mechanisms of the website and orgs just sign up and accept the listed rules in a sense.

    Alright, I’m game, but I’ll wait to see who joins the coop. Coops joining coops haha