• 陈卫华是我的英雄
    231 year ago

    These are the people who stood by and cheered as Nazi hordes tortured and killed their neighbors for being Jewish, Russian, or Communist. They did this to Crimea back in '14 and laughed about it, look where they are now. Like, it is brutal, but ultimately there are other innocents for whom we could spend centuries of grief before these guys get a moment.

  • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    “all for you Damian, this is all for you” - Ukraine/ Europe sacrificing themselves for the US.

    Holy shit, just go your own way. The consequences of that would have been way less worse than what happened. And the US wouldn’t accept Ukraine, after they got their way. Ask Afghanistan or a dozen other countries.

  • @big_spoon@lemmygrad.ml
    201 year ago

    making aside the nefarious effects of imperialism over ukrainian people, and anti-russian sentiment disguised as “anticommunism” that moves the conflict for those nazis, this photo looks kinda artsy

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    201 year ago

    It must be fucked to be a civilian there. Well, in any war really.

      • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I am angry at the systems that brought this to reality. I’m angry at myself for being a part of them; I’m angry that it isn’t just.

        I don’t know. Maybe I’m just a meaninglessly rageful idiot.

        What do I do

          • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
            41 year ago

            If I only operate in theories, what do I change? Am I misunderstanding your statement? I’m off a few beers so forgive me

            • 陈卫华是我的英雄
              41 year ago

              I’m not telling you to only operate in theories, I’m telling you that theory is the root of real praxis and everyone needs to read more of it, and that shaking your fist at the sky in Lemmygrad changes lickety-split

              • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                Yep, i remember the remark Lenin made in october 1918, about the impending revolutions in Europe. He said:

                Europe’s greatest misfortune and danger is that it has no revolutionary party. It has parties of traitors like the Scheidemanns, Henaudels, Hendersons, Webbs and Co., and of servile souls like Kautsky. But it has no revolutionary party.

                Of course, a mighty, popular revolutionary movement may rectify this deficiency, but it is nevertheless a serious misfortune and a grave danger.

                And of course, revolutions did happened but failed miserably because instead of revolutionary leaders people found mostly socialchauvinist traitors.

                • 陈卫华是我的英雄
                  21 year ago

                  State and Revolution and Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism are absolutely critical, Dialectical and Historical Materialism by Stalin is also great, historically speaking Blackshirts and Reds, Vijay Prashad’s history of the third world, and how Europe Underdeveloped Africa are great, and for a real challenge try Das Kapital

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      321 year ago

      Women, children, infants, the elderly, the sick, and even fellow comrades; all sent to march to their deaths and be sacrificed by a decadent and fascist government. There is no beauty in war.

    • Preston Maness ☭
      231 year ago

      Beautiful up until I remember that there are people in those darkened and freezing buildings. And that a fair number of them won’t survive this conflict at all. And that scores more will be permanently scarred by it.

      • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Didn’t all of them like support the current government for years after participating in 2014 coup while doing nothing about and cheering on Donbas genocide and also destruction of Crimean bridge recently? More than 14 thousand people died for 8 years including little children and elderly, children spend their lives in basements and in fear of being blown up by the bombs of the nazis they supported and didn’t give a shit about.

        • Scott Ritter. Is that you? Sir… You are correct and right. But right now, we are all in Lot mode and know that a scant few in that city dont deserve this and are either too young to understand or are actually righteous. Otherwise… Yeah. I get you, homie.

          • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Yes I know there are a few, but most of these people supported everything that happened to Donbas and to many people they hate and consider ‘‘subhuman’’ including people who speak Russian, Roma, Jews, communists, Middle Eastern migrants etc, wanted to I quote ‘‘nuke Russia, Iran, Syria and every country that supports Russia’’ which I saw multiple times in comments.

            • I aint gonna front resistance to your anger. Im just as furious. You are correct. At best, those who disagreed kept their mouths shut and went into hiding. No amount of martyrs were gonna change the inertia of this god forsaken war. I would have stayed silent as well to live.

              Let us hope this war ends in the winter. 😔

    • @HaSch@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      This is not something to be enjoyed. First of all, those who truly are responsible for the war, the government, and its crimes sit - very much alive - in comfortable armchairs in a warm palace in London or Washington, and even if they actually froze to death in Kiev, this is still not the way these criminals ought to die. On the contrary, if Nazis, capitalists, arms manufacturers and dealers, instigators, warlords, wanton murderers, if the scum of the entire world froze to death in this city, then this would make it impossible for anyone to put them on trial and hold them accountable for their crimes. Of course it would be convenient for us if they could do everyone a favour and die, but it is absurd to conceive of what happens to them during their exposure to the elements as a just punishment, let alone “beauty”, because such a death is merely accidental, instead of being mandated in the authority of the peoples of the world.

      • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        If we’re to acknowledge that Ukraine is a fascist vassal state of imperialism then it should be acknowledged that the general civilian populace has very little to no active say in their government or the fascists who have enjoyed elevation and endorsement.

        Sure, a significant portion of the population likely supports it, else it wouldnt be the problem it is. But fascist regimes don’t need a majority of the population to take a country hostage. Historically, it needs around 20%-30% of the populations support (Germany in 32’ the Nazis only has about 30% popular support. Trumpism in the US consistently enjoys about 35%. Girlboss Mussolini was recently elected with only 26% support.)

        Communists shouln’t cheer for the suffering of the working-class. In Ukraine the working class is being punished from all angles.