lmfao tbh i stockpile both ammo and HRT for my comrades :3

  • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    151 year ago

    Using my chemistry knowledge and experience, I am perfectly welcome to the idea of becoming an independent Hormone Heisenberg if the times ever call for it. Synthesizing testosterone and estrogen isn’t actually that hard, and not even shit hitting the fan would be able to stop me from supporting the trans community.

  • Ratette (she/her)
    141 year ago

    Just call me a gender dragon because I sit on a hoard of oestrogen 💅

    (I don’t but I aim to build a stockpile for when terf island goes full mask off)

    • sometimes ashleyOPM
      81 year ago

      It’s a good idea. I have a buffer of about 1 year worth of HRT on hand at all times. Supplies longer than 1-2 years start getting tricky cause of expiration dates n shit tho

  • @mmhmm
    31 year ago

    I saw a meme where the vials fit into a banana clip. Wish I’d saved it 🤖

    • sometimes ashleyOPM
      11 year ago

      lmfao iirc those semi-auto bullpup shotguns have mags that fit vials of estradiol i think a 12ga shell and a vial of EV are about the same diameter
