• SovereignState
    231 year ago

    I’m going to conserve my brain cells and refrain from reading into this more and just… how the fuck does this work? Are the Montagues like, SS officials and the Capulets are Jews? How does their dual suicide make sense in any meaningful way?

    From my understanding, the OG Romeo and Juliet was a parody/satire of what Shakespeare saw as the ultimate cringe relationship. Like, don’t idolize these two. They fell hard for each other basically over looks alone and then died for no reason. The fuck is even the message here?

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      121 year ago

      I kept telling myself it was satire but there’s genuinely plenty of articles about it. I’m surprised I haven’t seen it in the news more.

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
      101 year ago

      Writer wants to feel like he has all the power in the relationship because the woman’s choice is either be subservient and seduce this Nazi or be thrown into a furnace.

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    201 year ago

    This sounds like some lib with a hero complex wanting to imagine themselves as being “one of the good Nazis” who thinks they fall in love with some concentration camp victim with Stockholm syndrome. When I reality they just have a slave fetish and find docile, helpless, essentially slave, women they can easily manipulate to be the most attractive.

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      111 year ago

      It almost feels like someone’s so doped up on their own perceived worldliness they can “understand” any issue.

      You know the sort of people who think they get how there is “two sides” to every situation when really it’s way more nuanced than their shit lib (fascist enabling) take can process.

  • “hello I joined this group that is extremely radical to the right and wants to eliminate all of jewish people, why no jew girl loves me” this is idiocracy beyond belief it’s like they can’t differenciate between what we choose and what we’re born as

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      51 year ago

      can’t differenciate between what we choose and what we’re born as

      Correct me if I’m wrong here, but that’s something Marxists described when talking about dialectic materialism - that other forms of materialism, and indeed idealism deny change on the most fundamental level. You are always what you are born as, you only choose what you “were destined to be”

  • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
    181 year ago

    The conspiracy theorist in me would argue this is a Western attempt to make people think that Nazism (and Fascism) “is not so bad…” in order to prepare their minds for the eventual Fascism vs Socialism fight, so they side with the former.

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      1 year ago

      I’m inclined to agree but not because I think it’s actively trying to apologise for the nazis but because of the rehabilitation of nazi Germany in the west over time such as the clean wehrmact theory and then hollywood and media obsession with humanising bad guys sympathetically similar to anti heroes has lead people to humanise the bad guys in media and history as part of their learnt behaviours. This being another example of that conditioning.

      In the end its the same outcome so its splitting hairs really but I think people don’t realise just how self sustaining Western “values” and capitalism is.

      The people are so well trained and the zeitgeist so culturally embedded in people’s behaviours that it leaves westerners to perpetuate the system and the beliefs that enable it themselves on auto pilot.

      • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
        111 year ago

        I’d argue Hollywood humanizes the “bad guys” only when it suits them. I mean, when they do it with, say, an actual Communist, it must always have a bit of snark or spitting on the theory. Same with people in the Third World that falls prey to their imperialist wars.

        But yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with what you said just now. It makes sense and the fact it became a cycle already makes it much more concerning.

        • Ratette (she/her)OP
          51 year ago

          Yeah this is true, whites get humanised, non anglos get demonised.

          It’s hard to articulate to people how auto pilot the system and the consent and propagation by the lumpen is.

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      201 year ago

      Welcome to Bri’ain. We’ve got:

      • normalised hate groups against marginalised groups
      • a selection of 3 prime ministers within a month
      • nazi romeo and juliet
      • corrupt political/corporate cabals socially murdering the populace with inaction and stupidity
      • a micro economy within one city for elite tax evasion that our entire economy relies on
      • dead queen and her cult of personality
      • shit head authors and show writers
      • TV loiscence