Dog pfp strikes again.

  • SovereignState
    151 year ago

    I was once told that the lie about Russians hiring Afghan militants to kill Amerikan soldiers was fine, it actually makes sense for a nation to lie to its population and it’s even better when they eat it up – it’s just spycraft, it’s an “information war”, etc. The pride in being stupid is incredible

    1 year ago

    This logic shit is a red herring. The only logic liberals have is self-interest. Once you see everything from that lens, there is no hypocrisy, incongruity, false reasoning, etc. That’s the libs guiding principle. It makes everything make sense. We need to stop entering the mental gymnastics Olympics being hosted by libs. Sure there are people on the fence we can convince, but even that is difficult because in the imperial core, they are incentivized to go to the lib side.