If you are found without them, you will have books thrust upon you!

For example: I’m currently reading through “Killing Hope”, which basically clears up any reservations I had about destroying the USA. I thought I knew how bad American Intervention was during the Cold War, but by god was I wrong. Its insane how fucking evil the USA is.

I’m also starting my foray through “Capital” and right now its just Marx bashing my head against the definition of a commodity.

  • @carpe_modo@lemmygrad.ml
    51 year ago

    About to start A People’s History of the United States. I’ve got An Indigenous People’s History of the United States on the list shortly after. I understand it covers a lot that the first one doesn’t.

  • QueerCommie
    41 year ago

    I’m almost done with Washington bullets by Vijay prishad (audiobook). I recently acquired a copy of Red star over the third world (also by he). Idk what I’ll listen to next, maybe Cows save the planet by Judith Shwartz. I also have a copy of capital vol 1, but I’m scared to read it.