• Soviet Snake
    211 year ago

    Well, if we follow Mao’s theory of contradiction we maybe should cooperate with the petite bourgeoisie in order to harm the bourgeois, and the same with rich peasants and landlords, and so on.

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      1 year ago

      Would they really cooperate with us vs being an internal threat to the revolution?

      • Soviet Snake
        111 year ago

        I am reading Deng’s Selected Works and that’s pretty much what they did. If we look at the Russian revolution, Bolshevisks allied with Mencheviks in order to defeat the feudal lords. In China the CCP allied with the Kuomintang to defeat Japan, after that they started the civil war again, and in that scenario they pretty much allied with everyone they could in order to fight the Kuomintang and the biggest of landlords and feudalists. As contrary to what one might think, and this is a mistake I’ve been guilty of for a long time, just because you want to abolish private property doesn’t mean the material conditions will allow it, the previous system gears are still in place. What they did in China to win over the many was basically to not expropriate land from middle landowners, and if they did they would pay for it, lax taxes, but they would force them to reduce rent for peasants, and so on, they would expropriate land from big landlords and so on; I am being very reductionist. Basically you let them keep profiting if they take a neutral stand, and this is something that until this day keeps happening, this is the reason we say China is not a capitalist regime even though they clearly have a bourgeois sector within them.

        • Ratette (she/her)OP
          21 year ago

          I see what you are saying, maybe I’m just so disillusioned with the petite in the UK I’m stunned to see it function historically.

          • Soviet Snake
            21 year ago

            Well, there is not a People’s government in the UK, the ones handling the helm are the international bourgeois in your country, the petite bourgeois will only cede under different circumstances.

            • Ratette (she/her)OP
              21 year ago

              Yeah that’s fair, I need to reevaluate how I see the petite and their potential contributions.

  • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    191 year ago

    You forgot one of the most important steps!

    Raising an army and navy for the sole reason of laying waste to the European Empires. Then you can go back to oppressing the bourgeois.