Low hanging fruit from r/conservative but holy shit.

  • Absolute
    221 year ago

    God damn so many people have fucked up perceptions of women. These right wing incel fuckers would have a lot more luck getting laid if they just treated women as normal people instead of whatever the fuck this is

    • Ratette (she/her)OPM
      151 year ago

      Incel implies they are involuntarily celibate but with attitudes like they have, I’d argue its voluntary at this point.

  • Bury The Right
    191 year ago

    The conservative ideal way of living to me just looks and feels so suffocating and depressing. Fall asleep at church every Sunday, have or be a boring ass wife that just cleans diapers and washes dishes, and listen to shitty country pop until your body ages and collapses from being overworked at a factory or coal mine.

    • @FuckBigTech347@lemmygrad.ml
      111 year ago

      IKR. Yet every conservative I know thinks their life is the greatest and the best thing anyone can achieve, despite them constantly getting into fights with their partner and/or family for non sense reasons. Such happiness. And the funny thing is that they never really learn because they’re so convinced that they’re always right.

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I’m tired of this fucked up shit conservatives and priests are talking non-stop here: talking just have kids to women and get a wife to men!

    Fuck off, I won’t, even if I wasn’t asexual I wouldn’t have kids even if you payed me billion euros for it!

  • @SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    131 year ago

    Why do conservatives, especially millennial and GenZ, push that old-school mentality of the man being the “sole-breadwinner” while the woman is a stay at home mom/wife, when the majority of us can’t even support ourselves alone on one income.

    Do you really think your incel ass is going to be able to provide for you, a wife, and lets say 3 kids with one income? Add on rent/mortgage, bills, groceries; you’re a traditionalist so a car, which needs gas and insurance; school supplies, maybe extracurricular activities for the kids; clothing, especially for growing children; all types of medical bills, which means you might need individual insurances; savings for a rainy day/emergency repairs; so much more that I could go on forever, but I won’t because I write way too much as it is.

    Financial independence is important in a relationship as when only one person controls the finances it can lead to severe abuse, which honestly is probably what these guys want.


    The dichotomy of Cons:

    Conservative Men: I want a woman who is a submissive, traditional, modest, virgin, housewife who will do whatever I want whenever I want as I’m the man and the provider 😤

    The same Conservative Men: ALL WOMEN ARE GOLD DIGGING redacted! WE’RE PEOPLE NOT WALLETS! INSTAGRAM IS CHEATING! WE ARE HIGH VALUE SIGMA MEN! WOMEN BAD! Something about phrenology or whatever

    • Ratette (she/her)OPM
      51 year ago

      I find it funny that a lot of the people who post this stuff unironically think they will make it big like some stock trader but really they’ll always be lumpen.