WARNING: due to some internal changes your local settings will be reset (logged out of accounts, removed instances, theme back to default)

In this release we focused on implementing missing core features: inbox, saved posts, messages, modlog. We also had our second external contribution which is exciting. For the next release we have planned making lemmur translation-friendly.

Full changelog


  • Added inbox page, that can be accessed by tapping bell in the home tab
  • Added page with saved posts/comments. It can be accessed from the profile tab under the bookmark icon
  • Added ability to send private messages
  • Added modlog page. Can be visited in the context of an instance or community from the about tab
  • You can now create posts from the community page (by wolf4ood)


  • Titles on some pages, have an appear effect when scrolling down
  • Long pressing comments now has a ripple effect
  • Nerd stuff now contains more nerd stuff
  • Communities that a user follows will no longer appear on a user’s profile in most scenarios


  • Time of posts is now displayed properly. Unless you live in UTC zone, then you won’t notice a difference
  • Fixed a bug where links would not work on Android 11
  • DessalinesA
    113 years ago

    Great job. Adding the inbox is pretty much enough to let me switch to this full time on Android.

  • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
    3 years ago

    Communities that a user follows will no longer appear on a user’s profile in most scenarios

    This is due to changes in Lemmy, it is no longer exposed by the API due to privacy reasons

  • ghost_laptop
    3 years ago

    In Lemmy notifications are not going to be present, right? Still, great work, awesome application!

    Also, if I update through GitHub now will it bring problems when the next update comes to F-Droid?

    • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
      33 years ago

      In Lemmy notifications are not going to be present, right?

      I’m not sure what you mean?

      Also, if I update through GitHub now will it bring problems when the next update comes to F-Droid?

      It should not cause any problems, both apks are seen as the same.

      • ghost_laptop
        23 years ago

        There are two kinds of notifications, Android notifications which will have an icon in the status bar when someone messages you on Matrix, for example, and in-Lemmy notifications, that will tell you when someone comments on your post (you go to the bell symbol and you can see them). I was told by someone in the Lemmy room that Android notifications were going to take longer to be implemented, but that in Lemmy notifications were going to be within this update.

        • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
          53 years ago

          Ok I understand now. The Android notifications you are referring to are called “push notifications”, and in-Lemmy are called “in-app notifications”.

          going to take longer to be implemented

          Currently push notifications are impossible to implement (would require Lemmy servers to cooperate)

          On the other hand in-app notifications are possible but are not in lemmur yet

          • @nutomicA
            33 years ago

            You can already do push notifications over websocket, but we are not going to support any proprietary APIs from Apple/Google for that (that would be impossible to setup for every instance).

            • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
              43 years ago

              Push over websocket is not really doable. Keeping a websocket connection the background at all times would noticably affect the battery. I’m not sure if android/ios even allows for that

              • @nutomicA
                43 years ago

                Android allows it, but you need to keep a (low priority) notification all the time. Battery usage for this is really negligeble in my experience (I used to work as Android programmer).

                • ghost_laptop
                  13 years ago

                  Does Gotify not work as a system wide notification thingy? We really need a libre alternative for this. uwu

            • Serge Tarkovski
              33 years ago

              What’s the benefit of using Google push or whatever it’s called? Why don’t just either maintain a Websocket connection with low priority as you’re saying, or pull periodically? Anyway, IMO Lemmy doesn’t need true realtime push.

              • @nutomicA
                43 years ago

                It costs less battery if only a single server connection needs to be kept open for notifications (which is handled by a Google/Apple system app). If every app does that on their own, it will be less efficient, but like I said the difference is very small.

          • ghost_laptop
            13 years ago

            I just checked and the “inbox” shows you notifications. o.O

  • @Whom
    53 years ago

    Looks like great work. Can’t wait for the iOS version!

  • @xe8
    53 years ago

    Nice work. Can’t wait to try it.

    • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
      53 years ago

      You don’t have to wait, as far as I know downloading it from github should not conflict with the f-droid/play store version

  • Serge Tarkovski
    53 years ago

    My #1 in the wishlist is translations, then maybe notifications from the inbox.

    • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
      43 years ago

      I already started working on both translations and websocket connections for notifications

        • shilangyu (lemmur)OPM
          23 years ago

          Our dart client already supports all of the endpoints

          JS<->Dart interoperability

          There is but it is rather unidirectional (Dart->JS), and quite awkward and not very type safe

          • Serge Tarkovski
            33 years ago

            Well, anyway the idea makes sense as seems Lemmy evolves rapidly so reusing its official libraries reduces the work. Though by quick googling I’ve found Dart-JS interop only for the web platform. Haven’t searched for third-party transpilers but anyway I consider transpiling rather unstable unless it’s something official from the maintainers, which is not. So maybe creating an own Dart client library is way more controllable and reliable approach.

      • DessalinesA
        23 years ago

        Let me know if there’s any additional translation strings you need me to add to lemmy-translations.

  • Elbullazul
    43 years ago

    saving posts and comments is definitely a big addition. Great work and congrats to all the devs making this possible

  • @TheConquestOfBed
    33 years ago

    @shilangyu@lemmy.ml I’m really enjoying this app, but I think the color scheme for block quotes is hard to read. On my screen it’s white text on a light blue background and the values look very close.

    Thank you for making this and putting it on fdroid!

  • Skull
    33 years ago

    I have a problem with this. When I download any of the three android APKs from github and try to install it tells me “App not installed”. Is there a way to fix this or is it possible I’m downloading it incorrectly?

      • Skull
        13 years ago

        Nope, never have. I got lemmur from Fdroid.

  • @Ndy
    23 years ago

    where to find saved posts ? any help pls ?