After watching it I realized how useless and harmful cops are, especially when it comes to minorities.

  • Ratette (she/her)
    192 years ago

    Seems like western media low-key sexing up serial killers for profit.

    When I heard people were calling for it to be cancelled I was like 🤔 but if its a documentary?

    So I watched a bit and turned it off after 10 minutes.

    I’m sorry but casting some gorgeous actor and telling the story like he’s some angsty anti hero vs the maniac he was is imo a very dangerous rehabilitation of his character.

    Of course he preyed on mostly gay men so I doubt most Americans give as much of a fuck about the portrayal vs if Netflix did a sexy drama series on Chris Dorner ( then I bet all the angloids and blue line nonces would be pissing their pants about it.

    Frankly with serial killers people make the argument “well people obviously know its wrong but it’s really interesting and did you know this niche fact about them” and don’t realise they themselves are humanising these monsters.

    Tl;dr it’s an irresponsible serial killer fetish film

    • loathesome dongeater
      132 years ago

      Serial killer obsession is something I have never been able to understand. It also feels like a predominantly American thing. I personally don’t find them interesting at all seeing how even with the plethora of systemic issues they are brought up under they are still extreme outliers.

      • Ratette (she/her)
        62 years ago

        Yeah it’s a real weird one, there’s finding the study of their thought processes interesting but the pop fascination with them is just cringe and just so on brand for ignorant childish westerners.

    • @Sunshiner@lemmygrad.mlOP
      112 years ago

      My goodness… I didn’t even know the Chris Dorner case happened, thank you for shining light on it. Man, Dorner was wrongfully treated. I wonder why no one is talking about this?

      I agree with you on the fact that it’s a film sexualizing and fetishizing serial killers. Especially the scenes where Dahmer laid with his dead victims. They filmed it in a way where it was a sensual porn scene, and never depicted him in a disgusting way.

      • Ratette (she/her)
        62 years ago

        Nobody is talking about it because it doesn’t fit the police gud/black people bad narrative american is addicted to. That an its happened long enough ago now to not be relevant to a lot of the public I imagine. Shame really as I think it’s important to know.

        It’s stuff like this that makes me think what is art without an understanding of the subject? Like did the director or scene artist or whatever not honestly realise what they are doing? If they think that’s fine then that says ALOT about them imo.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    142 years ago

    Maybe I’m wrong but it seems like a lot of Americans are very interested in serial killers and what they do and how they do it. I’m American and I notice nearly everyone finds it interesting or knows some tidbits about one. I’m not particularly interested in them, it must be a cultural thing that I’m blind to, but I can never understand where the obsession comes from. Idk maybe I’m weird for not being gripped by such a phenomenon

    • @Sunshiner@lemmygrad.mlOP
      142 years ago

      You are not weird at all, comrade. I noticed that too, and in fact, the US has the highest number of serial killers (over 3,000.) I know a few people who love watching the documentaries, movies, series, interviews etc. to see how “serial killers” think. When really all it takes is a study on a serial killer’s brain to figure out what’s most likely causing them to be this way. However still, Americans get a thrill of watching it, which is possibly what leads to so much violence in the US. A lot of Americans love to talk about how to get away with murder. It’s strange how they are interested in watching serial killers do the action, hear about the terrible things they did. As an excuse they always say “I love to see why they think that way.”

      I literally saw on Reddit that a person was thinking of becoming a serial killer. It’s unbelievable!

      I noticed that all these docs and movies sympathize with the serial killer. The reason for their actions is always “bad childhood, bad parents blah blah blah.” I know a lot of people who had worse childhoods than his and they aren’t eating humans and masturbating over them. “My Friend Dahmer” was mostly about sympathizing with him and making his childhood seem worse than it was, and if I can recall, even his mother claimed that Dahmer didn’t know what he was doing, despite him blatantly admitting it in interviews.

      American serial killer movies, series, etc, do a terrible job with letting viewers learn what “goes on in the serial killer mind’s.” The viewers in the end always come to the conclusion that “he had a bad childhood, he didn’t know what he was doing, his parents were abusive to him.” Dude there are children in third world countries seeing their families get bombed and killed by imperialists, but are they shooting up schools? Nope, because they’re too busy thinking of how they will survive the day.

      I also found out that the directors never asked the victim’s families input on the series and did all of it without their permission. The woman who (rightfully) lashed out at Dahmer spoke out against the series and didn’t like how the actor displayed her emotions accurately without her permission.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        2 years ago

        I never thought about that last part. Plenty of children in the 3rd world are capable of being helpful members of society despite facing tremendous loss, so it’s a good point, we shouldn’t excuse the behavior for some white guy who murdered several people just because he faced struggles too. I was planning on majoring in Psychology for a while and plenty of people in my classes were trying to do Criminal Psychology, very few of us wanted to do therapy surprisingly. I guess it’s not that surprising now that I think about it, everyone likes to think about serial killers

        • @Sunshiner@lemmygrad.mlOP
          72 years ago

          Exactly. The poor victims in the 3rd world countries are capable of contributing to society just as fine as everyone else. But oh “bad childhood” and “bad parents” and blah blah blah is a concern when it comes to white people who got away with murder due to the cop’s incompetence. Lives would have been spared if the cops did their job. Oh well, we all know that America is a failed country. Not sure how it’s still running, it was shit from the start.

          I do find it weird that people wanna research serial killers when it comes to psychology. It’s never someone with dementia, schizophrenia, depression or someone with anxiety.

    • Ratette (she/her)
      142 years ago

      I find dark stuff interesting sure but there’s watching documentaries and then there’s this serial killer phenomenon that’s gripped so many of the Anglo west.

      Its like very struggling youtuber just pivoted to doing serial killer podcasts or something and I find it creepy the reverence people have for them.

      I’ve legit spoken with someone who gave me their top ten serial killers. Fucking idiot.

      • DankZedong
        102 years ago

        I’m really interested in serial killers and I read and watch a lot of stuff about them. But then I again I study behavior, so that’s what’s interesting to me. How these people could ever become what they are.

        But I watch documentaries, I read theory or reports written by professionals, not this sensational Netflix series with every person in it looking like an Abercrombie model lol. And how anyone can have a ‘favorite’ serial killer is just weird. Don’t do that.

        • Ratette (she/her)
          2 years ago

          There’s a world of difference between your interest and the new pop serial killer fandom I feel.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        72 years ago

        I mean like the only top ten you can do is body count, which is very much disrespectful to glorify.

        • Ratette (she/her)
          32 years ago

          Agreed but these are the same people who will probably unironically support nazis if the media tells them so I don’t expect much.

  • Average PFLP Enjoyer
    132 years ago

    Gross, zero reason to make shows about these people. The families almost never see any of the profits and are forced to relive the worst trauma of their lives in order for Westerners to ogle at and romanticise the taboo from the safety of their couch

    • @Sunshiner@lemmygrad.mlOP
      42 years ago

      I sure hope the victims sue them and will be heard. The film was absolutely disgusting, they also added fictional things in there that never happened.

    62 years ago

    I consider myself a morbid person but even I don’t understand why people treat white serial killers like celebrities.

    Not a fan of the true crime trend teaching people that traits I present are “dangerous signs” when they’re actually me being mentally ill.