• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    42 years ago

    A useful context I saw was that the leak is equivalent to emissions from around 2 million cars per year, and there are around 1.45 billion cars in the world. Cars alone produce an incredible amount of emissions.

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      2 years ago

      Yeah. While this may or may not be the largest single event methane release, it’s definitely a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the bullshit we’re doing to the planet.

  • @gcb
    42 years ago

    i doubt. california have one gas well that’s unplugged and spewing fumes for years. you can see the methane cloud on IR satelite images.

    • Sandra
      22 years ago

      I tried to math it out after the first reports and it seemed to me that these Nord Stream leaks did in one week what it takes the entirety of US leaks to do in an entire month.

      Cali needs to clean up its act but this was still bad.