• DankZedong
    2 years ago

    I do basically everything in my household (and so does my gf) but I keep scratching my head at mostly women coworkers that are surprised that I do.

    Ladies, find you a man not another child. It’s not impressive if a man cooks or cleans or washes himself or whatever. He’s an adult.

    • Ratette (she/her)OPM
      72 years ago

      “Ladies, find you a man not another child. It’s not impressive if a man cooks or cleans or washes himself or whatever. He’s an adult.”

      Literally the bare minimum frankly, I find it hard to picture someone who doesn’t but I know they exist.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I know dozens of men that like gardening, it is actually a pretty popular hobby in Poland if you have garden that is, murican style barren flat lawns are pretty rare here, only some mentally barren noveau riche seems to like them.

    • Black AOC
      72 years ago

      I absolutely love gardening; I had to start growing my own herb with the onset of the pandemic; and it just blossomed to a point where I was able to hand out surplus peppers and tomatoes around my neighborhood by the time harvest started rolling in. Fuckin rabbits got into my hot peppers this year, though.

      • @acabjones@lemmygrad.ml
        32 years ago

        Yeah gardening is dope. Im lucky enough to wfh and in the summer I like to go take breaks during the work dau and stare at my garden and keep an eye on what’s for dinner. I didn’t even do a good job this season, but I’m still hauling a shitload of zucchinis out and sharing the surplus. I’m amazed at how compelling and weird plants can be. Also hanging out in the garden helped me get over being afraid of spiders, big ladies are everywhere, esp in the fall but they’re peaceful friends and I like to think we now have an understanding.

        • Black AOC
          42 years ago

          Zucchini feels like it always grows insane; whenever I put those down I always wind up with way too many, rather than the regular too many that I get of my cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes. Can never get enough of the jalapenos to grow, tho… I always wind up with like just seven or eight of those; never a whole bushel

    • Ratette (she/her)OPM
      2 years ago

      That’s based af. I hate the American/Anglo flat lawn vibe of the west. It’s shit for local wildlife and biodiversity and creates a pocket industry of amateur pesticides and lawn care products which just shouldn’t be needed. Wildflowers and natural fauna all the way.

      • @bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
        52 years ago

        As soon as I escape apartment living and get my own house, I plan to rip up every square inch of flat lawn my dog doesn’t need for shitting and athletics and replacing it with flowers, fruits, vegetables, and trees yielding edibles for the wildlife and my family. And if some NIMBY home owners org or shitty neighbors try and complain that my garden is lower home values I swear I’ll be planting all kinds of passive aggressive plants like:

        • the Bradford Pear tree, smells exactly like cum when it blooms
        • Bamboo, which launches underground ‘shoots’ and can spread to neighboring yards
        • Cockleburs, which will stick to anything they touch, great to plant at your property edge for your neighbor to brush up against when they mow their boring ass lawn
        • Devil’s Tongue (the primary name of this plant sounds racist, but the alternative name I chose to use is also the same plant. It is also sometimes called Elephant Yam), which produces a corpse smell even though they are beautiful visually

        But, if my neighbors and whatever association is in the area plays nice, then I won’t have to waste my time planting these revenge plants and can instead plant more food yielding plants, then give out my excess yields to neighbors.

        Don’t fuck with gardeners!

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    92 years ago

    I garden, make my own soap, love cooking, do woodworking, and ferment my own wine/cider, vinegars and other foods. Gender roles are dumb. What matters is each partner doing their share of the work.

    Also I don’t like other ppl touching my laundry or dishes cause I clean up my own shit. It’s what incentivizes me to not dirty as much stuff and also wear the same pair of pants multiple days in a row. Yes, I’m single. How can you tell?

  • @lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    82 years ago

    I think the worst thing is how every domestic task is for women but said domestic tasks are actually male-dominated vocations. Cooking at home : women, being a chef : men. Doing the gardening : women, being a gardennner : men.

    Only cleaning is a female-dominated job, probably because it is often the absolutely most exploitative of all

    • Seanchaí (she/her)
      32 years ago

      no it isn’t. Firstly, women are not weaker then men, don’t perpetuate that. Secondly, the mower does all the work (many men even use riding mowers), gardening actually takes more labour. Taking trash out once a week is also not work, lol, it’s almost all people who have bins with wheels. And how could grilling possibly take more strength than all other forms of cooking?

        • Seanchaí (she/her)
          52 years ago

          “women are weaker than men”

          then why are 42 out of 43 people who are over age 110 women? why are men more statistically likely to die at birth (by 10%)? women die at lower rates than men of 12 out of 15 of the leading causes of death.

          Even ignoring your despicable bio-essentialist bullshit, the statistics just don’t fucking back you up, unless you consider the only metric of “strength” is lifting weights at the gym.

          Personally, I think women are at least 7000% stronger than men because we survive in a world with complete brain worm misogynists like you.

        • Seanchaí (she/her)
          42 years ago

          Just decided to wake up this morning and spread a little misogyny on the Internet huh.

          “Opinion discarded” is a super cool and comradely thing to say