• @Giyuu@lemmygrad.ml
    292 years ago

    Reddit is quite possibly the largest collection of idiots ever assembled in history. They genuinely think, despite having never read any books nor any education or training, that they can make statements about topics ranging from history, to science, and even to the arts.

    To take advantage of this for propaganda was masterfully done by the CIA, I must admit. You’ve got millions of people now convinced they have a strong grasp of geopolitics.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I can’t think of any social media worse than Reddit. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and 4chan combined pale in comparison to that website…

      The amount of smug braindead idiots, CIA bots, nazis, fascists, pedophiles, racists, morons, anti-LGBT, ‘‘people’’ who watch gore and people being killed irl, such disrespecting to women, love for incest and gore, bloodlust and wishing for nuking, genocide and killing people their government hates, hating on same group of countries 24/7 on almost every sub whenever they get the chance while bootlicking the biggest oppressors of human kind and their own exploiters who live of their suffering while they worship them as gods, memeing wars and tragedies, looking at real events and comparing it to movies and think that they know everything about anything is not seen on any other place on surface internet.

    • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
      92 years ago

      There was a member in my local Worker’s Party chapter (RIP, Jorge Gurgel) who summed this up by saying “the Internet gave voice to the idiots.”

    • I mean every day at work I hear shit about how in 200 years men wont exist any more because our balls are getting too close to our anus (or something equally far out) and most people just nod and agree. We live in a time of snake oil and dogma.

    • @Franfran2424@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Me before ultrasuspension in /HistoryMemes, seeing bad takes to post on /badhistorymemes, and good countertakes to post on /LeftHistoryMemes (turning it ML step by step)

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    It’s amazing that every Russian leader since Lenin has somehow managed to be an utterly boorish, anti-intellectual imbecile yet also brilliantly evil sociopathic mastermind. Putin is dumb and crazy as fuck until he’s actually 4d chessing the west with psychosonic telepathic laser beams in Cuba. Which is it? Brilliant terrorist mastermind or “escaped mental patient”?

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      82 years ago

      Technically even before Lenin. This kind of rubbish is also used against our Emperors and generals and everyone in between, down to the lowliest of lumpens.

    • DankZedong
      202 years ago

      Reminder that 34 million Americans are food insecure on a daily basis

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    2 years ago

    I used to fr think this was a dramatic take, but after taking a much needed couple year hiatus from CoD and other FPS games, it’s disgusting how CoD BO games portray the near genocide of Vietnamese villagers to be “badass” or how they straight up literally just flip the sides of a war crime. I’m looking at you, CoD Cold War Highway of Death level😒. And so often the “bad guys” are literally always racist stereotypes of people that have been crushed under Imperialist policies for generations or maybe a WW2 game. I do still love World At War bc of the Soviets storming Berlin, but I basically only play USSR levels

    • ShiningWing
      2 years ago

      CoD Cold War Highway of Death level

      This was from Modern Warfare (2019), not Cold War

      Cold War was actually surprisingly quite less bad because it actually has the CIA have extremely fucked up morals and pretty much does all the shit they hate their enemies for

      It still has its really major issues with its portrayal of America’s enemies (it’s still CoD after all), but it’s actually surprising that they were able and willing to take an approach that isn’t black-and-white

      Gonna go into a bunch of detail for no reason in the spoiler section lol, probably avoid if you have any interest in playing it and haven’t already

      major BOCW spoilers for basically all the twists

      It’s revealed over the course of the campaign that not only were the nukes that Perseus is after American-made, but they explicitly placed them in every major European city with the intention of detonating them (and murdering millions as a result) in the event of a Russian invasion, with Perseus’ goal being to detonate them while leaking documents showing the US’s involvement to cause the West to tear itself apart

      It’s also revealed that your player character’s entire identity (“Bell”) was invented wholesale in a torturous brainwashing program through MKULTRA just so they can get intel on Perseus that your character (who used to be a member of Perseus) knows but wouldn’t give up, the whole background thing about Bell being in Vietnam was also untrue (so technically, you don’t even really shoot those Vietnamese fighters, it happened in a flashback mission to a memory that wasn’t actually yours lol), it was implanted so that they’d have more trust in Adler with the shared history

      After you find that out during a level that involves them doing even more of this torture on you last-minute so that they can get that intel, the game literally gives you the option to betray the CIA and set up an ambush with Perseus, where you’re welcomed back in open arms (as opposed to the “good” ending where Adler just kills you anyway because you’re a loose end lol), and you’re even able to give Adler a “reason you suck” speech through the dialog options before you spring the ambush, it both goes well with what the player’s probably thinking at this point and feels like a good in-character decision

      It’s also revealed in this “bad” ending that Perseus isn’t a single man despite the West’s assumptions, it’s a collective, reasonably pointing out that all this couldn’t just be done by one man and that the assumption otherwise is one of the biggest failures of the West in fighting them

      Now, the actions Perseus commits are still pretty horrible (it’s still a CoD villain after all…), I honestly have trouble saying it’s worse than what the US does even by the game’s standards, both sides in this game have an “ends justify the means” attitude and at least I’ll take that over the usual black-and-white “CIA good commies bad” approach lol