“debated more NATO shills/tankies on Lemmy” probably won’t be on that list

  • SudoDnfDashY
    112 years ago

    Learn an instrument. Met a lot of amazing people and had a lot of amazing experiences in band.

  • @frippa
    102 years ago

    Help destroying capitalism

  • @Leon9777000@mujico.org
    82 years ago

    I helped someone to have options in his life to be a happy individual, other than the options his family was forcing him to take. Feels good see him successful and happy.

  • Salamander
    82 years ago

    Visited the Amazon rainforest. I hope both me and the Amazon stay alive long enough to visit again

  • @OsrsNeedsF2POP
    2 years ago

    For me, I put my pride aside and watched K-Dramas.

    After watching Crash Landing On You (Torrent Link), a story about a South Korean woman who finds herself in North Korea, my life was a complete emotional wreck for months. If I ever get Alzheimer’s, I’ll be happy knowing I can rewatch this continuously.

    • @hfkldjbuq@beehaw.org
      2 years ago

      Oh I watched this one as well. Interesting from a social-cultural perspective. Also nice showing an actual nice, true loving couple who care for each other; that guy pretty sweet (well unexpressive in the beginning but it gets better). It is kinda nonsense, cliche, and repeating formulas, but overall good. I just did not like what they made to that other guy bc that girl was like forever alone

      • @OsrsNeedsF2POP
        2 years ago

        What happened to Seo Dan was gut wrenching. My girlfriend actually just came back from a musical a few hours ago of the show. Here’s a never-seen-before online pic :D

        • @hfkldjbuq@beehaw.org
          22 years ago

          Wow had no idea they were doing such theatrical events. Soo nicee. I’d go with some friends of mine who also watched it. Is that pic in South Korea?

          • @OsrsNeedsF2POP
            12 years ago

            Yea, it’s in South Korea. I had the chance to go, but didn’t. Regret is strong, never going to say no to something like this again ㅠㅠ

      • @OsrsNeedsF2POP
        2 years ago

        Can’t believe you brought up Seo Dan, I’m about to cry lmao. That show fucked me up. Excited to forget about it then watch it again.

  • @Slatlun
    62 years ago

    Cared for and tended endangered ecosystems.

  • @peeonyou
    62 years ago

    drugs… i would have been an insufferable lib if i’d never tried a drug in my life

  • @graphito@beehaw.org
    52 years ago
    • Forgave and mostly forgotten bad people
    • Achieved some sort of stable structure of my mind
    • Embraced my own life with love and compassion
    • Accepted imminent and possibly quite unpleasant end of life
    • Made other people laugh and have a good time
    • Successfully predicted improbable events in uncertain times
    • Enjoyed company of you, people 😅
  • @Slatlun
    42 years ago

    Comitted to helping another person find themself. Not guiding, not shaping, just helping with the only motive being that their life satisfaction increases.

  • @bobs_guns@lemmygrad.ml
    42 years ago

    agitate people who are more receptive to agitation, not just random shithead liberals who say something awful.

    a handy checklist to gauge general agitatibility in the US, try to get several boxes checked, the more the better

    • not white
    • works for a living (not software development)
    • disabled / lumpen / down and out / chronic health issues
    • has been to prison or jail
    • rides public transit
    • not strongly committed to liberalism (e.g. non voters, apolitical, non organizing leftists, some conservatives)
    • not a homeowner
    • no habit of consuming US propaganda (TV news, Rogan, NY Times/WSJ if not in New York)
  • @sgtnasty
    32 years ago

    got born? nah, i glad I learned its all a game of hide and seek and i am just fooling myself

  • @guojing
    32 years ago

    Having children. Its really impossible to describe how much it changes your live for the better (though its also very hard in the beginning).

  • @sproid
    22 years ago

    Reaching a personal understanding of purpose of life and live by it. And also, truly understanding when they say “perspective is everything”.