• Star Wars Enjoyer OP
      43 years ago

      I’m still waiting for someone to say something like “yeah, of course poverty is being alleviated, they’re killing the poor muslims! stupid communist!”

    • @AgreeableLandscape
      3 years ago

      Also, I’m not sure if I’m remembering this right, but I remember a Reddit /r/worldnews thread where someone (as a breath of fresh air) denounced a mainstream American news outlet’s report on the “Xinjiang Genocide” because it’s sourced from a religious fanatic with no real evidence, and someone else replied saying that they hate the fact that news outlets keep doing this… because it de-legitimizes China’s “actual” human rights violations against the Uygurs.

      I was like “bruh.”

      • Say anything on r/worldnews debunking the propaganda regarding Xinjiang/Uyghurs and you get downvoted and reply-spammed in a storm like the Luftwaffe