For those who are unfamiliar with the anarcho-primitivist organization Deep Green Resistance, it will be surprising to hear that they have deep ties to the rising public outcry against trans people.

One of the thought leaders (and co-author of the book, Deep Green Resistance from which they draw their organizational direction) Lierre Kieth was writing anti-trans hit pieces as early as the late 90s in Rain and Thunder, a radfem journal of which she was a founding editor. These were some of the earliest published pushes to consider trans women using women’s restrooms as a coordinated public assault on women’s liberty, an attack that has become one of the most mainstream anti-trans talking points.

It is an organizational belief (one that other environmental groups have called them out for, and which only works to reduce the number of people willing to work alongside them in the critical work of land defense) that the mere existence of trans people is a form of patriarchal oppression, and that trans womanhood is itself a form of rape.

Further reading on Deep Green Resistance and why they have no place in the continued struggle to protect the land:

  • Ratette (she/her)
    62 years ago

    Anarcho primitavist you say? Immediately I’m assuming an asinine take before you even mentioned the abject transphobia.