Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home <3 In the time honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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I promise I’ll work on Element soon uwu

    • ButtigiegMineralMap
      72 years ago

      As an American I’m pissed that we don’t do May Day. I mean ffs Chicago’s Haymarket riots are literally the reason for the holiday existing

  • DankZedong
    152 years ago

    Apparently Chen Weihua will be a guest speaker at our party event in a few weeks lol

  • DankZedong
    132 years ago

    Does anyone have any good Marxist YouTube channels that focus on European topics? A lot of good marxist channels focus on US topics and while that’s not a bad thing, I would like a channel that discusses European topics.

    A lot of points in the US focussed YouTube channels are good, but I can’t always bring them up in conversation with Europeans because they have a socdem mentality of ‘yeah, but we’re better than the US bro’

  • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    112 years ago

    First time really scrolling reddit in a while, found out there are literal Pro-ED, anorexia-fetishizing subs on there. Yep, definitely not going back on that hellsite

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    102 years ago

    According to Bloomberg, 60% of British factories are expected to go under this winter. How’s the “hybrid war” going, NATO?

  • Jae
    82 years ago

    If you need any help with Matrix, I can help, MXID is on my profile!

  • DankZedong
    82 years ago

    I just got a notification (for some reason, I live in Belgium so idk why) that the state of Queen Lizzy is bad and that she’s under surveillance right now.


  • DankZedong
    82 years ago

    At my job, people started actually yelling at each other in a shared moment of anger about the energy prices. Everyone is completely fed up.

    I think a revolution might actually happen. Never before have I seen this amount of rage on a daily basis.

  • DankZedong
    82 years ago

    This whole queen dying thing actually broke something in me I think. Like, I´m incredibly furious. Disgusted by the bullshit people throw into the world.

    • 小莱卡
      92 years ago

      Im extremely sad that people in my country mexico care so much about the queen death.

  • Nocheztli ☭
    72 years ago

    Gorbachev dies and a few days later so does the queen. As Chaplin said in The Great Dictator: “So long as men die, liberty will never perish.”

  • BrezhnevsEyebrows
    2 years ago

    My neighbors are flying their upside down US flag and “we support the police” flag at half mast today

  • Had a dream where I loved soccer (football if youre not a godfearing freedom loving murican) because it played like Jigglypuff (my main) in smash bros melee, gonna watch soccer today and see if its good at all. (I play the game (melee) competitively, locally that is, and am involved with the pro scene. My GC controller broke tho :( )

  • DankZedong
    72 years ago

    There is a thread on the Dutch socialist subreddit about increasing poverty on schools with children not eating an entire weekend and passing out in class.

    So I called for action. To unite the leftist sentiment to do something. Anyone with a suggestion is welcome to set up an action as a left collective.

    So far the suggestions are: donate to charity.

    The Dutch problem will resolve itself because everyone starved to death and no one can be arsed to actually get out there and do something.

    I hope someone comes up with an actual suggestion.

    • SpaceCowboy
      32 years ago

      Awesome! Just remember to not try to jump in too heavy. As @simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml put it “a consistent habit is better than a perfect habit”.

      I am getting a good routine again as well, but a couple months ago I got started and just tried to be too perfect and ended up feeling worn out as hell. Turns out I wasn’t drinking or eating enough to complement how hard I was pushing my muscles.

      So just be gentle with yourself as you get started up!

  • @tomaw@lemmygrad.ml
    52 years ago

    Had the idea pop into my head of a rendition fo Baka Mitai from the Yakuza games, except it’s my vocals and I give as much socks as I can, playing it when something unfortunate yet funny happens during a stream. Then I remembered my singing voice and the effort involved and whoof