• @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    242 years ago

    Imagine paying someone to put a cute little meme message on a piece of live ammunition and still sincerely believing that you’re on the side of the good guys. The sociopathy on display in this war is inhuman.

  • Muad'Dibber
    212 years ago

    It’s been said by scholars that this is a war of not just soldiers, but memes. The memes are an extension of the long running fight between Pushkin and Shevchenko, Russian cultural identity and Ukrainian identity. That’s why putin, hell every russian offical, quotes pushkin in this war. Because the very idea of ukraine as an entity is offensive and fantastical to them. So, the war goes on…and will until russia is beaten, or ukraine is crushed…and i know where my money (and a generous US Government credit line) is one.

    Reddit brain.