• DessalinesOPA
    83 years ago

    Very busy with personal stuff this week so I didn’t get too much done.

    • Fixed a bug in lemmy-ui with it not reloading data when navigating back to the front page / community page / comments.
    • Fixed a bug with empty post urls.
    • Added a unit test for @nutomic@lemmy.ml’s work on federating community deletes / removes.
  • @nutomicMA
    83 years ago

    I finished the federation inbox rewrite that I started last week, fixed a bug with federated community deletions, and a few other changes. But yesterday and today I didnt do much, both to give @dessalines@lemmy.ml some time to catch up, and because I dont know what to work on next (this happens to me about every two weeks).

  • @xe8
    43 years ago

    Someone’s done something right because I can now navigate and post on Lemmy on iPhone.

    I had some issues with infinite loading, especially after logging in. Most of the issues I was having seem to be resolved now. I also had some issues with text being too large, but with the darkly / cyborg themes it seems to be good. Yay!

    • @ufrafecy
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @xe8
        13 years ago

        I’m posting from my notebook now, because yeah I have been having the same issue. I’m unable to sign in on iOS (Safari / Firefox). Previously I had an issue with Firefox only, but it’s been both browsers the last few days.

        I’m also seeing infinite loading when trying to open posts while not logged in. I can get around this by using the ‘request desktop version’, but still haven’t

        • @ufrafecy
          3 years ago

          deleted by creator

  • @shadythgod
    13 years ago

    It would be cool if we could use Ctrl+Enter to send a reply/comment.

      • @shadythgod
        23 years ago

        I feel like Ctrl + Enter has become somewhat standard for this as a lot of sites implement it. But tab + enter works for me as well.