On Mastodon there are some bots that automatically re-post the content from Twitter on the instance. So people from Mastodon can see the Twitter’s content.

What do you think about that?

  • @nutomicA
    73 years ago

    I think it could be a bad idea because the front page would be full of spam. Better to have a separate instance for bots, which could also be easily be blocked by people who dont like it (once we implement user level instance blocks).

    • @ace
      43 years ago

      It would be really cool to have an instance that no one can make an account on, and its just one bot that reposts all of reddit’s content

      • SnowCodeOP
        13 years ago

        Yeah that would be a very active bot then.

  • Maya
    63 years ago

    I hate it on Mastodon (and it’s a sentiment I’ve seen) because it gives you the impression of an active user, but they’re often not really there to respond to replies and such. However, I think where you don’t need OP for discussion on a link aggregator such as this, it might be cool.

  • @ufrafecy
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @ace
      23 years ago

      A lot of the communities build around my intrest don’t meet on federated platforms, so mainstream social media is sometime unavoidable for me unfortunetly :/

  • ant
    43 years ago

    I think it works great for Mastodon because all content is opt-in unless you explicitly go to the federated/show me all posts tab. Mirroring reddit content here would bury all original Lemmy content

    • DessalinesA
      23 years ago

      It would definitely clog up /c/all for sure, but I spose if it was limited to a single community, it might be bearable. We still don’t hove community or user blocking / muting tho.

      • SnowCodeOP
        13 years ago

        BTW do you authorize users to make cross-posts from reddit. For example. If I like a post on reddit, copying the content and getting it on Lemmy (manually)?

        • DessalinesA
          13 years ago

          We don’t have cross-posting from reddit, you can put a reddit link in the post url I guess.

  • Duel
    23 years ago

    I think it is fine, as long as they do not spam.