• vxnxnt
    32 years ago

    The problem with these sorts of technologies is that they don’t really solve our climate crisis IMO. It doesn’t do anything against the exploitation of earth’s natural resources and the destruction of nature. And if I understand correctly, this only works with carbon dioxide. So, what about the methane produced from livestock farming (which is much more lethal to the environment than co2)?

    Sure, these technologies may be a possible short term solution but it could also give a false impression of security which would detract the sense of urgency in passing important laws and policies needed to make progress in creating a more sustainable human environment for the earth.

    • alyaza [they/she]OPM
      42 years ago

      yes, but if you believe the IPCC it’s most likely necessary to become actively carbon negative (and thus begin reversing the impact we’ve had on the planet) rather than just carbon neutral, so making it more economically practical is pretty important in the long-term