• Bury The Right
    2 years ago

    Don’t forget that around this same time last year, they abandoned their Afghan puppets to apparently pivot to Ukraine.

      • @Lurking2Learn@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        I mean… What good bet do they have? Honestly, the event itself (the narrative abandonment of Ukraine by the Western psyop machine and said machine’s pivoting towards Taiwan) is an act of unspeakable cruelty, but it’s a sign of a truly wonderful thing in my eyes: it really IS over for the West. Anything they try, they fail - and they fail harder and faster than they ever did. The pivot towards Taiwan and the formidable enemy that is China tells me they have NO easy fronts to squeeze anymore, NO low hanging fruit to sweep in and pillage. The speed with which Ukraine is dropping off the news cycle makes me feel that the decline of the West is becoming precipitous in speed - the COVID pandemic turned a festering decline into a spiraling freefall for imperialist capitalism.

        • @bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
          132 years ago

          I hope I get to see the US fall in my lifetime, and I mean truly fall and not just recede into just a smaller version of itself like the “fall” of the British Empire or Spanish Empire. Name change, regime change, land back, socialism, etc.

          • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.mlOP
            82 years ago

            Whether or not the US itself falls, its empire is in irreversible terminal decline. I just hope i get to see China reunified and Palestine liberated. The US breaking apart would just be a bonus.

          • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
            72 years ago

            I can’t help but see the US only falling one way. By taking the rest of the world with it in nuclear fire. The oligarchy will use the scorched Earth as hostage to retain their power. These “people” are an evil beyond what normal humans are capable of imagining. They WILL do everything in their power to hold onto it.

            I hope I’m wrong. I hope China is able to Unite enough of the world and outmaneuver these genocidal psychopaths. I don’t see it going any other way.

      • JucheBot1988
        22 years ago

        Or like me losing a game of RISK as a kid. “Hmmm, running out of options… maybe if I just shift a bunch of pieces here it’s gonna do some good.”

    • @sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
      32 years ago

      The contradiction in the narratives in American fake news and school textbooks is a key hint that the accusations towards the enemy of American imperialism are slanders. Plot armor, deus ex machina, forced plot, and plot inconsistency provide a major hint to the fictional nature of any accusations against counter imperialists.

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    132 years ago

    It’s probably getting too hard to cover up how much of a fascist shithole Ukraine is under Zelensky and his Azov masters. Plus they’ve shown their hand with all the money laundering.

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    62 years ago

    I think another part is they are just desperate to turn people attention outward and ignore how fucked they are in their local lives. Unfortunately things are getting so shitty people aren’t able to care much about the goings on of the rest of the world for very long because they have to eat and pay rent. So the elite keep pulling more and more crazy shit to try and distract them. I’m interested to see where we pivot to after Taiwan. My money is on Cuba or Venezuela… If we are able to pivot that is. They might just be fucking stupid enough to actually start WW3 with China.

    • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      No, the next conflict the US will start after they fail with Taiwan will be a war with Iran via the US’s Zionist apartheid regime proxy in the region. The US will be kicked out of Syria and Iraq and then they will launch this last desperate bid to stay retain power in the middle east and keep the region in chaos.

      This too will fail and then they will pivot to Latin America, likely to Nicaragua or Venezuela which will by then be well armed and protected by Russia and economically prospering with the help of China’s BRI, and so the US will fail there too. The empire cannot win these conflicts, its decline is too advanced.

      It is also likely we will see uprisings and civil conflicts in the US itself, with the state’s security forces cracking down brutally on the unrest while openly taking the side of fascist paramilitaries against indigenous, black, and leftist movements. Expect military gear and tactics used against the US’s own population.

      There will probably be pogroms and other atrocities.