Looking for suggestions for Mastodon relays servers…

Recently started self-hosting my own Mastodon instance, so I don’t have the advantage of my former instance.

    • MattOP
      24 years ago

      Thanks for the tip 👍 Never even considered that…

  • @mishuri
    14 years ago

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask the question but Pleroma can also use the same relays right?

  • MattOP
    14 years ago

    I should mention I already got some of the main ones like masto.host etc

  • Cas
    13 years ago

    I host a relay! The relay is https://meow.casually.cat. With that said a number of the instances are furry instances so I’d say bear that in mind should ya decide you want to add! Lots of great people though and I keep pretty strict tabs on some of the problem instances trying to get in on the relay.